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This auction is for one Parasound MAS - 18 (The sub on the left)
MSRP $6,000
Very rare audio item
For those of you who appreciate the Lowest Possible bass response, here it is. The GMAS 18 by Parasound is one of the only subwoofers ever rated to 5hz. It can easily play at over 125db at 8hz and at 20hz a whopping 145db. It has a massive 18" driver, engineered by some folks at NASA and HUGHES to create a sub sonic driver for "other" reasons besides as a subwoofer. It has a massive 45 pound magnet, which in turn makes this huge driver Very Fast and Responsive, yet can handle mass amounts of power. This sub plays so low, that it has a restrictor on the amplifier at 20hz to protect anyone in the room from losing certain bodily functions. Frequencies below 20hz can make a humans body break down so to speak and not so pleasant things can happen ( email me for an exact description ). It was designed on a dual port band pass cabinet which for its size is fairly small, yet it internally structured beyond Strong. With over 2 inches of multiple materials creating the cabinet, it is stiff and virtually sonic free of cabinet vibrations, yet when you couple it to the floor, watch out as it will ROCK your home like never before.
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Verona, WI 53593
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