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After more than 20 years Kenny is closing shop. Auction will begin at 10am Saturday March 19, 2022 at 21840 Palm Beach Blvd, Alva, FL 33920 (Palm Beach and Joel). Preview at 9am day of auction. Auction will include 1995 Ford Ranger (157817 miles), R...
Estate / Demolition Pre-Sale by AppointmentDue to the location in a gated community we will be moving items for an auction. The owner has allowed us to offer a by appointment pre-sale to reduce moving time and cost. The house will be demolished in Ja...
Sale will be on Wednesday, Nov. 17 & 18 if needed. Please call for appointment. 239-560-5610 Located at Colony at Pelican Landing. West End of Coconut rd. Client purchased but did not live in and are remodeling. Entire Condo is Furnished. M...
Friday Absolute Salon Auction Auction will be at 2464 Vanderbilt Bch Rd. Unit 530 Naples, Fl. 34109 on Friday, June 11 at 10am. Preview will be 9am. We will be auctioning the contents of a closed salon in the Naples Walk Shopping Center at 10:00 am ...
We will be auctioning the entire contents of the Floors and Kitchen Warehouse located at 1381 Market Cir. Pt Charlotte, FL 33953 ( N of Town Center) beginning at 9:00 am Saturday June 5, 2021. Preview on Friday June 4 10:00 am until 4:00 and Saturda...
This is a Live Estate Sale with Multi Estates. Including Household Items (dishes, lamps, pillows, mirrors and more), Primitives, Power Tools, Childrens Toys, Infant to Toddler Clothes, Adult Clothes(Men & Women), Costume Jewelry, and Lots More. ...
Auction will be on Sunday March 21 and begin 10:00 AM at 331 Royal Palm Park Dr, Ft Myers, 33905 (off SR 80, Tice). Preview will begin at 9:00 AM. A mask will be required. Items include 14K, 10K, Sterling and costume jewelry, crocks including ch...
We are auctioning the household contents where we were unable to conduct onsite. This Sale has been Postponed from Dec 5 to Saturday Dec. 12. Sale will begin at 10:00am at 5520 Winkler Rd, Ft Myers, FL 33919. Preview at 9:00 am. Due to curren...
This Auction was Postponed from Sat. Dec 5. We have added Items from another Estate. We are auctioning the household contents where we were unable to conduct onsite. Sale will begin at 10:00am Saturday Dec 12, 2020 at 5520 Winkler Rd, Ft Myers, F...
ACTION AUCTIONS AND ESTATESHUGE ESTATE 3 DAY SALE August 27-28 & 29, Thurs thru Saturday, starting 8am until 2pm. The Sale will be held in Cape Coral at 5119 S. Del Prado Ext. 33904. MASKS MUST BE WORN! We will be accepting Left Bids on any Item and finalize Saturday 9am. ...
Saturday multi estate auction We will be auctioning the contents of several partial estates on Saturday August 8, 2020. We will begin at 8:30 and in the shade in an attempt to avoid the heat. Preview at 7:45. Set your alarm you won't want to mi...
Action Auctions Tools-Equipment -Antique Tools & Primitives Auction Sat. March 7
ACTION AUCTIONS AND ESTATESTools-Equipment- Antique Tools & Primitives and More. Auction will be held Saturday, March 7 at 10am. Preview will be from 9-10am Day of Auction. Auction will be on Woods Rd. in N. Ft. Myers, Fl. Address added later. In the Auction-Toyota Fo...
AUCTION will be held on Sat. Feb. 29 at 10am Preview from 9am till 10am. Auction will be held at 1936 Commercial Dr. Ft. Myers, Fl. (behind building) All items are in Excellent condition. Beautiful Antique Oak Beau Fronts-End Tables-Cabinets...
NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY!! Everything Must Go! This Sale will be held on Fri. Feb 14 from 8:30 to 1:30 and Sat. Feb 15 from 9-12. UP TO 50% OFF. Sale is being Held in the Bella Terra Community on Corkscrew Rd, Estero. Address is 20481 Torre De...
Everything Must Go! This Sale will be held on Thurs. Feb 13 and Fri. Feb 14 from 8:30 to 1:30. Sale is being held in a Gated Community. Held in the Bella Terra Community on Corkscrew Rd, Estero. Must Have Appointment.!! Address will be given whe...
Civil War Memorabilia-Antiques-Tools-Collectibles Auction, Sat. Nov. 23 at 10am
ACTION AUCTIONS AND ESTATESSaturdayAuction will be held at 1936 Commercial Drive, Ft. Myers, Fl. Will startat 10am and Preview will be 9am Saturday, Nov. 23. AuthenticCivil War Findings from Gettysburg and Virginia. Captains Letters from Hat,Civil War Coat Button, Handmade Ch...
This will be a 3-Day Sale. Thurs.-Fri.- & Saturday from 8-1 all days. Sale will be held at 5520 Winkler Rd. Ft. Myers, Fl. 33919. Added more Pictures and Items. This is a Sale for Everyone, New Mothers(we bought out a Boutique from Miami)including...
Auction will be held on Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 11780 Metro Pkwy. Ft. Myers, Fl. Auction will start 10am Preview at 9am. Auction will be held Inside!!! Included- Small Tools, Power Tools, 5.5 hp Air Compressor, Chairs, Office Chairs, Hotpoint...
Consignment Liquidation Auction Auction at 1935 Suwanee Ave. Fort Myers, Fl. 33901. Auction will start at 10am and Preview at 9am. Ruger Mini 14, New Schrade, knives, Waterford crystal, Blenko glass, Oriental bird cage, Toys new in the box, 1800's b...
Auction will be on August 10 in Fort Myers. Auction will start 9am Sharp. Construction Co. Owner Retiring. Everything Goes. THERE WILL BE A PREVIEW ON FRIDAY, AUG. 9 FROM 9AM TILL 2PM. AT 15790 CHIEF CT. FT. MYERS, FL. 33912. Included: 2002 Dod...
Auction will be held at 11780 Metro Pkwy. Ft. Myers, Fl. 33966 at 10am Saturday, Aug. 3. Preview will start 9am Day of Auction. Included Lionel Trains and access. and Tyco HO Scale trains,( New in Boxes- Britans Metal Soldiers- Britans Museum Coll...
Trains- RR Memorabilia-Aviation Art and More Auction The sale will be held at 11780 Metro Parkway, Ft Myers, FL 33966 at 12:00pm (noon) on Sunday June 30, 2019. Preview will be Saturday June 29 10:00 - 4:00 and Saturday 10:00 until auction. ...
Estate Auction to be held in N.Ft. Myers, Fl. Will be held on Saturday, May 11 at 9am. Preview at 8am Day of Auction. Address is 6311 PGA Dr. N. Ft. Myers, Fl. 33917. A lot of everything in this Auction: Antique Furniture, Vintage, Van Briggle, Be...
We will be auctioning the entire contents of the former Café Luna Restaurant and Bar located at 2460 Vanderbilt Beach Rd, Unit 406 Naples FL 34109. Auction will begin at 10:00 am Monday May 6, 2019 with preview Friday May 3rd 10:00 - 2:00 and Monday ...
HUGE SALE-ANTIQUE-PATIO-CAST IRON-CROCKS-ART AND MORE SALE IS Friday & Saturday April 12-13 starting 9am until 1pm. Address for Auction is 5520 Winkler Rd. Ft. Myers, Fl. 33919. Antique Tables, End Tables, Secretary, Wash Stand, Primitives, Cas...
Saturday Ft Denaud Estate Auction Estate Auction will be held on Sat. April 6 at 10:00am. Address is 845 Quail Run Ft. Denaud, Fl. 33935 near Labelle. New Items Found!! Included Police 38 Special Pistol, Winchester 97-16g Shotgun, 2003 Chevy Impala, ...
Auction will be on Saturday March 2,2019 starting 10am. Preview from 8:30 Day of Auction. All from One Personal Estate. Auction is at 11780 Metro Pkwy. Fort Myers, Fl. 33966 Included-1917 Complete Military Surgery Kit, Military Clothing-Kniv...
Ichiban II has closed, property sold and we will be selling to the walls. Auction will begin at 10:00 am Wednesday December 19, 2018 at 14651 N Cleveland Ave., N Ft Myers, FL 33903. Preview 8:30am Day of Auction Entire restaurant will be ...
Auction will be located at 11780 Metro Parkway Unit B Ft Myers FL, 33966 on Sat Dec 15. Auction will start at 10:00 am with preview at 8:30. 14k and Sterling Jewelry ADDED, Ivory and Pearl Jewelry, Old Coins, Old Campaign Buttons, ...
Auction will be held on Saturday, Dec. 1 at 10am. Preview from 9am Day of Auction. Auction will be held at 11780 Metro Parkway unit B, Ft Myers FL 33966 Included in Auction: Vintage Cookie Jars (Star Wars, Disney, Schultz, Warner Bros, ...
Auction will be held on Saturday, Nov. 10 at 1:00pm. Preview from 11am Day of Auction. Auction will be held at 11780 Metro Parkway unit B, Ft Myers FL 33966 We will be auctioning Dozens of New Oriental, Hand sculptured, and Hand desig...
Action Auctions House Estate Sale will be held at 23391 Abrade Ave. Pt. Charlotte, Fl. 33980. Sale will be on Thurs. Oct. 18 & Fri. Oct. 19 from 8:30am until 2pm. Included in the Sale -Kitchen Items, Living room Furniture, Queen Bedroom Set...
We have moved May 26 Auction to June 2. Auction will be held at 11780 Metro Pkwy, Ft. Myers, fl. 33966 and will start 9am. Preview at 8am. Adding a Lot more stuff! We are Auctioning the contents of a Kitchen Store that closed and al...
AUCTION WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY, MAY 19 AT 9AM. PREVIEW AT 8AM AT 11780 METRO PKWY, FT. MYERS, FL. 33966 We will be auctioning the storage units of a retired pump and small engine repair man. new and used pumps and engines, tools, equipmen...
We will Auction the Entire Contents of Concrete Architectural 16450 Old US 41 Ft Myers, FL 33912 beginning at 9:00 am Saturday May 5, 2018. Preview Friday May 4, 2018 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Everything from Tile Mosaics to Concrete Dolphins. Pavers,...
Action Auctions Storage Unit Auction on Saturday 9AM We will be auctioning the contents of three storage units. Auction will begin at 9:00 am Saturday April 28, 2018 at 11780B Metro Pkwy, Ft Myers, FL 33908. Preview at 8:30. Include...
EBayer Storage Unit Auction After years of buying, selling and storing we will be auctioning the first of five storage lockers. Auction will begin at 10:00am Saturday April 7, 2018 at 11780 B Metro Parkway, Ft Myers 33966. Preview 9:0...
Action Auctions Lehigh New Older Car Parts Tools-Household-Collectibles Auction
ACTION AUCTIONS AND ESTATESHuge Auction held in Lehigh Acres on Sat. Feb. 24 starting 10am. Preview 9am Day of Auction. Address will be added week of Auction. What a Rare Opportunity to have soo much in one Auction. Parts to redo 1963 Ford Gala...
Vintage Toys-Original Artist Dolls & Bears - Costume Jewelry and More Auction
ACTION AUCTIONS AND ESTATESVintage Toys-Original Artist Dolls & Bears - Costume Jewelry and More Auction Auction will be on Saturday, Feb. 17, starting 10am Preview at 9am Day of Auction. Held at 3596 Fowler St. Ft. Myers, Fl. There are 100's of O...
Auction will be held at 3596 Fowler St. Ft. Myers, Fl. 33901. Auction will start 10am, Preview at 9am Day of Auction. Auction has Antiques, Tools and New Electrical Supplies-Antique Hall Tree, Horse Collar Mirror, Arcade Games, Gas Grill, Han...
Beautiful Antique Sale in Myerlee Estates. Sale will be held on Friday, Jan. 12 and Sat. Jan 13 starting 9am. Located at 6929 Birdie Way, Ft. Myers, Fl. 33919. This sale has Beautiful German Antiques-German Black Walnut Bedroom Set...
House sold sale-Entire Contents Contents of House and Garage MUST GO. Sale begins at 9:00am on Thurs. Jan 4 and Fri Jan 5, 2018. Sale will be held in Whiskey Creek Ft. Myers, Fl. Address will be added Jan. 2. Includes Rare J...
Gigantic Electrical Supply Auction This will be the first of several auctions disposing of the contents of a storm damaged electrical warehouse. The Auction will be held on 3596 Fowler St. Ft. Myers, Fl. On Sat. Jan. 6 at 10am. Preview from ...
We will be auctioning the contents of two large A/C units containing Estate Furnishings, 14k Jewelry, Guns(Savage 22-250 Rifle, Smith & Wesson 38 Revolver, Sterling, and more. The Auction may be a 2 Day Auction, Saturday, Dec. 16 and Sunday Dec. 17....
Auction will be on Saturday, Dec. 2 starting 9am. Preview at 8am Day of Auction, Jewelry Auction will start at 10:30am. Auction will be at 1935 Suwanne Ave. Ft. Myers, Fl 33901. Included in the Auction ““ New Designer Jewelry, (Necklaces...
SALE WILL BE THURSDAY THRU SATURDAY, NOV. 16-NOV.18 from 9am til 1pm. Located at 5520 Winkler Rd. Ft. Myers, Fl. 33966 between College and Mc Gregor. Includes Everything from Primitive to New. 14k & Costume Jewelry & Accessories, Antique ...
Action Auctions Huge Antique and Vintage Smalls Auction is Saturday, 10am Nov. 4
ACTION AUCTIONS AND ESTATESAction Auctions Huge Antique and Vintage Smalls Auction is Saturday, 10am Nov. 4 Auction is located at 11780 B Metro Pkwy, Ft. Myers, Fl 33966. Included in Auction-Antiques-Trunk, Piano Stool, Chalkware Statues, Ephemera, Signed Wallace Nut...
Buckingham Country Estate Auction Auction will be held on Saturday, Oct. 28 at 10am, Preview at 9am. Located on 3124 River Grove Cir. Ft. Myers, Fl. 33905. Included in the Auction- Antique Furniture, Telephone Desk, Small Roll Top ...
This company has posted a total of 192 estate sales. Only the most recent 50 sales are shown.