About Pleasant Memories Antiques & Estate Sales
Estate Sale 46 Walnut Ave, 23607 ...
Estate Sale part 2, Big Discounts, lots of nice items from sale 1, see our last sale pics.
NN/Hilton Full House ESTATE SALE 45 Brandon Rd. Antiques, LR, DR, BR furn., lots of china & glassware, nic-nacs galore, needlepoint chairs, marble top tbls., linen, framed pics., nautical item...
Newport News / Hidenwood Nice Estate Sale 108 James Landing Rd. Antique Hoosier, hand made linen, cabinet full of gnomes, & cabinet full of bells, nice ...
Nice clean furniture, beautiful bamboo furniture, cast iron patio furniture, lamps, rugs, glassware, DR set, king size rice pattern 4 poster bed, framed prints, kitchen items, garage items, yard tools, yard ornaments, heavy flower pots with flowers, ...
ESTATE SALE 323 Williamsburg Ct (Down Deep Creek Rd)...turn right onto College Blvd...go to end then turn left...house on right co...
Part 2 Sale Antiques and collectibles, thousands of items...opened up 2 more rooms, toys, dolls, garage full...vintage radios, musical instruments, lots of trains and tracks and boxed train stuff, knives, vintage magazines. Half of marked price. ...
This will be a 2 part Estate Sale....too many items for one sale...First sale will be April 20, 2018. House located in Denbigh and address and more pics will be listed in new advertising before the sale.
Newport News/Denbigh Huge Estate Sale 11 Cumberland Dr. This sale has more than 1000+ pieces(REALLY) Antiques & Collectibles : Organ w/stool, 7-1/2 foot tall hall ...
Lots of antiques and primitives, furniture, nic-nacs, china and glassware, plus much more
Part 2 starts Friday Oct. 27th...very nice furniture lots of glassware, Christmas items, lamps, antique oak china cabinet with curved glass and carved lions, beautiful antique oak carved desk, oak round table and chairs, great china cabinet, br suit...
60% off Sat & Sun...10-4pm
Estate Sale 104 Tillerson Dr. (off Denbigh Blvd. 1 block past strip shopping center before overpass) Household: fridge/freezer & nice washer & dryer, 2 clean & nice sofas, one...
Lots of household items nic nacs large rotor tiller, chipper, cement table and benches, xmas , clean furniture, plus more.......... reasonable prices....pics later... Update... uncovered lots more items of interest...tons of Xmas, glassware, oak BR ...
60% off
Antiques & Collectibles : Lots of press glass, plates, flow blue, crystal, china, glass animals & hens on nests, 1940’s buffet, 2 corner nic nac stands, record cabinet, small beautiful Singer w/case, nic nacs *plus more*.Household : Bombay chest, 2...
Newport News ESTATE SALE 87 Normandy Lane Hospital bed, items for a bar room, kitchen items, BR furniture, mirrors, lamps, pretty ladies clothing, oriental décor, li...
Newport News/Beechmont Estate Sale 900 Arnett Drive. Newport News/Beechmont Estate Sale 900 Arnett Dr. , 23608 Collectibles: 3 lg. carved wood eagles & many others made of glass, ceramic, metal, etc. Harley: clothing, watches, figurines & misc. Elv...
Newport News ESTATE SALE (Part 2) 109 Kingsbury Dr. Grandfather clock, piano w/bench, Recliner, nice ...
Newport News Estate Sale 109 Kingsbury Dr. Newport News ESTATE SALE Antiques & Collectibles: Dolls & Accessories, teapots, wall pockets, piano stool, glassware, 3 pc. BR. furn., Hot Wheels & misc. items. Household: Washer & Dryer, Freezer, brand ...
Hampton Estate Sale 321 Beechmont Drive Hampton Estate Sale 321 Beechmount Dr. LOTS of Goodies: Pretty Xmas decorations & other seasons, Boyds Bears, Fenton glass, Nic Nacs, linen, men's & ladies clothing, a massive amount of costume jewelry, 3 pc. ...
ESTATE SALE 89 Allegheny Rd. An interesting vintage maple cottage style DR suit(will sell by the piece) corner cabinet, server, buffet w/mirror, 2 hutches, rd. tbl., teacart, hand...
Newport News/Brandon Heights Estate Sale Part 2 24 Westover Rd. Now 60% off MOST items left from 1st. sale. Brought down new items from attic. ...
LARGE ESTATE SALE 24 Westover Rd. Antiques & Collectibles: Singer in oak & cast iron cabinet, OAK: tall pie safe, round oak tbl., set 4 ...
Hampton Second Estate Sale 206 Albany Drive 90% of the items that are left will be 60% off. This Friday & Saturday 9 am to 5 pm Pleasant Memories Don...
Sale will be conducted Saturday August 13th through Monday, August 15th , 2016. 206 Albany Drive, Hampton VA., 23666(off Big Bethel Road) This is a very nice sale .... Hampton Estate Sale ...
Estate Sale 439 Martha Lee Drive Nice affordable household goods, LR furn. : sofa, chairs, sm. tbls., lamps. DR: 2 wingback chairs & nmatching sofa, sewing mach., oak 4 pc. BR suite, DR: Hutch, buff...
Newport News 2nd. ESTATE SALE at 140 Hermitage Rd.(off Deep Creek Rd.) Clean & nice lg. oak hutch,10 pc. solid cherry DR ...
Newport News/ Riverside ESTATE SALE 200 Country Club Rd.(off Shoe Lane) Antiques & Collectibles: 37 pcs. of American By Fostoria & other glassware & china, Wicker furn., pretty Orie...
Newport News-Deep Creek LARGE ESTATE SALE 140 Hermitage Rd. Antiques & Collectibles: 1950's Turquoise & chrome working stove, lg. oak hu...
Hampton ESTATE SALE ..... 7 Beatrice Dr. (Todds Lane to Hunt Club Blvd. to right on Berkshire to Beatrice Dr.) Beautiful Furniture: Cherry DR Suite with lighted hutch, tbl. with 2 leaves & pads, 6 chairs, buffet, 5 marbletop tbls., slant top des...
Hampton Estate Sale 490 Harwin Drive (Todds La. to Whealton Rd. to Omera Dr to Harwin Dr.) Antiques & Collectibles: 58 Pcs. Fostoria Century, 61 Pcs. Noritake Blossom Time,...
ESTATE SALE 11 Moyer Road Antiques& Collectibles: Flax wheel, trunk, depression glass, comics, STAR WARS & other toys in blister packs, mid-century modern & more. Household: White wicker & 3 pc. iron p...
Newport News-Denbigh Large Estate Sale 11 Moyer Road Antiques& Collectibles: Flax wheel, trunk, depression glass, comics, STAR WARS & other toys in blister packs, mid-century modern...
Newport News/ Tuckahoe ESTATE SALE 120 Tuckahoe Drive Antiques & Collectibles: Lots of American by Fostoria, jelly cupboard, lots of model airplanes & boxed ki...
Indoor yard sale...great prices...some Militaria... In Windsor Great Park off Denbigh Blvd. We are also having a nice Estate Sale next weekend in the Tuckahoe section of Newport News ...check back to see our ad next week! ...
York County/Kiln Creek ESTATE SALE EXTRAVAGANZA 304 Fairway Lane Pristine h...
Hampton Estate Sale Hampton Hampton Estate Sale Hampton / 6 Omera Pl. ESTATE SALE 6 Omera Place 2nd & last sale- family has brought in solid cherry DR suit & 4 drawer silver chest, cedar chest, mirrors, 4 chest of drawers, lighted curio,...
Newport News - Merry Point- 36 Madison Lane South ESTATE SALE Antiques & Collectibles: Lg. curley maple European cabinet, fire screen, carved oval tea tbl., 2 lg. bronze statues & oth...
Estate Sale Pleasant Memories Hampton / Phoebus ESTATE SALE 136 N. Curry Street, Hampton, Va., 23663 (at the corner of Mercury Blvd. and N. Curry St. close to Fort Monroe) HOUSE FULL OF REASONABLY PRICED furniture, nic nacs, kitc...
Large Estate Sale Hampton 6 Omera Place Dates changed by 1 day because of Daily Press Error Antiques & Collectibles: Kellogg wall phone, camel back trunk, weird tools, butter churn, glassware, lamps, country items + more....
Newport News/Glendale 176 Alpine St. 2nd ESTATE SALE 50% off everything left- 3 very nice mattress & box spring sets(2 queen, 1 single), washer/dryer, sofa, Barcaloun...
Newport News Glendale 2nd ESTATE SALE 176 Alpine St. 50% off everything left- 3 very nice mattress & box spring sets(2 queen, 1 single), washer/dryer, sofa, Barcalounger, Antiques &...
“…Friday, January 30, 2015 - Sunday, February 1, 2015 Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm, Sat. 9am-4pm, Sun. 10am-3pm 701 Milton Dr, Hampton, VA, 23666 Pleasant Memories / Estate Sale part 2 Fabulous condition solid Mahogany Governor Winthrop Desk, HENKEL...
Friday, December 12, 2014 - Sunday, December 14, 2014 9:00am to 5:00pm 701 Milton Dr, Hampton, VA Antiques & Collectibles: Fabulous Henkel Harris desk & DR table w/3 leaves, BR suite, Oak, wicker, iron furn., glass, knick knacks & muc...
Friday, October 17, 2014 - Sunday, October 19, 2014 Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm, Saturday 91m-5pm, Sunday 10am-4pm 4 Sarfan Dr, Hampton, VA Antiques & Collectibles: 2 oak china cabinets, bookcase & teacart, mahogany dining room table, chest &...
Saturday, September 20, 2014 - Sunday, September 21, 2014 Saturday: 8:00am to 6:00pm Sunday: 9am-5pm 1-B Sir Francis Wyatt Pl, Newport News, VA Black Lacquer Oriental cocktail table and 4 panel screen w/soapstone figures, lots of pretty...
Yorktown / Woodlake 117 Stone Lake Court Estate Sale Antiques & Collectibles: Mid century modern 7 pc. DR. suite , 4 walnut/cane chairs, piano stool, SP tea set &am...
Hampton / Michaels Woods Estate Sale Pleasant Memories Collectibles: 175 Jim Beam Figural Bottles & Figurines, 2100+ Beer Cans & Bottles – advertising, Avon Bottles, Pennants, glassware, 4 antique ch...
Friday, June 27, 2014 - Sunday, June 29, 2014 Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday 10am-3pm 22 Ridge Wood Dr, Hampton, Virginia, 23666 Solid Mahogany DR tbl. w/6 needlepoint chairs & buffet, La-Z-Boy chair, sofa & chairs, prett...
This company has posted a total of 54 estate sales. Only the most recent 50 sales are shown.