Portland Metro Auctions

About Portland Metro Auctions
Portland Metro Auctions specializes in estate sales, Senior downsizing sales & business liquidation through online auctions in the Portland (Oregon) Metropolitan - Vancouver, Washington area -
Portland Metro Auction Services uses cutting edge technology & marketing while providing a professional option to the traditional estate sale or the auction process. We use our database of local buyers to maximize values & increase your visibility, at the same time providing you with transparency & security.
Examples of what we do!
“¢ Estate Sales
“¢ Senior Downsizing
“¢ Business Liquidation
“¢ Estate Auction
“¢ Barns & Outbuildings
“¢ Storage Units
“¢ Property Liquidation
“¢ Consignments
“¢ Vehicles, Boats, Trailers
“¢ Antique & Collectible Auctions
“¢ Estate Buy-Outs
From start to finish we will tailor the sales process to your specific needs. Our Fee`s are based on a percentage of the total sales.
Portland Metro Auction service is committed to providing families, estate trustees, estate attorneys, estate executors an honest sensitive solution for every liquidation need.
Large or small - Contact Us to learn how our process can help you or your family. - See more at: https://portlandmetroauctions.com/AboutUs.aspx#sthash.2fXAthox.dpuf
Service areas
Based out of Portland, OR also serving areas near Beaverton , OR and Portland , OR
This is an online estate auction. Please log onto PortlandMetroAcutions.com for pictures of items, details, and how to register to bid. There are some great items! Bidding starts Sunday, 5/8/16, at 7 am Bidding ends Thursday, 5/12/16 at 7 pm ...
This is an online estate auction. Please log onto PortlandMetroAcutions.com for more pictures of items, details, and how to register to bid. There are some great items including tools, sportlng goods and yard gear! Bidding starts Sunday, 5/1/16, ...
1970 Ford Truck 1979 Lincoln Continental Late 40's-50's Ford Tractor 8N or 9N Howse Box Scraper Auto Trailer! These items are being aucitoned from a Gresham Estate. Log onto www.PortlandMetroAucitons.com for details and register to bid. GR...
This is part 1 of 2. Part 2 of this sale will start next week, and will have cars, trucks, and tractors! This is an online estate auction. Please log onto PortlandMetroAcutions.com for pictures of items, details, and how to register to bid. T...
There are some really fun and unique items at this sale. A little bit of everything! Check it out at PortlandMetroAuctions.com. This is an online estate auction. Please log onto PortlandMetroAcutions.com for pictures of items, details, and how t...
There are some AWESOME items.!!! You don't want to miss this one!!!! This is an online estate auction. Please log onto PortlandMetroAcutions.com for pictures of items, details, and how to register to bid. There are some great items! Bidding star...
We saved the best for last on this one! There are some AWESOME items in this sale. You don't want to miss it!!!! This is an online estate auction. Please log onto PortlandMetroAcutions.com for pictures of items, details, and how to register to b...
This is an online estate Auction. Please log onto PortlandMetroAcutions.com for pictures of items, details, and how to register to bid. There are some great items! Bidding starts Sunday, 3/13/16, at 7 am Bidding ends Thursday, 3/17/16 at 7 pm Pick u...
This is an online estate auciton. Please log onto PortlandMetroAcutions.com for pictures of items, details, and how to resgister to bid. There are some great items! Bidding starts Sunday, 3/6/16, at 7 am Bidding ends Thursday, 3/10/16 at 7 pm ...
This is an online estate auciton. Please log onto PortlandMetroAcutions.com for pictures of items, details, and how to resgister to bid. There are some great items! Live preview by appointment, please call 503-728-8204. Bidding starts Sunday, 1...
Great vintage items at this sale! Log onto www.PortlandMetroAucitons.com to view all items, register and bid. Part two of our sale from last week. This sale includes many vintage small items including lamps, pictures, paintings. glassware, adve...
Cooper Mountain Estate Vintage Deluxe Sale will feature Vintage items and antiques, tons of smalls and collectibles, dolls, tools, modern furniture, a Baby Grand Piano, Ivory, toys, and much much more! This sale will begin on Saturday AM November 21...
PortlandMetroAuctions.com presents Brookwood Estate Sale. Please log onto www.PortlandMetroAuctions.com to view all items and to register to bid. This is going to be a small auction in terms of total lots but there are some very nice items up for...
PortlandMetroAuctions.com presents: World Travelers Auction #2 - This is the second part of our World Travelers Auction in Tigard, Oregon. Auction #2 has come great items once again! Tons of First Edition Books, Book Shelves, Tables, Art, Drexel ...
Come Bid and Buy the many luxury and unique items a local couple of impeccable taste and repute collected from all over the World and brought home to Tigard , Oregon. Their Estate also includes many quality household items, Drexel Heritage Furniture...
This is an online estate auction. Log onto PortlandMetroAucitons.com for pictures and details. There will be a LIVE preview so you can view items prior to bidding. See details at PortlandMetroAucitons.com Terrific Quality Items and Collectibl...
This sale consists of EXTREMELY unique items, of which many are rare and collectable. Some of the items can be described as whimisical, and quirky. Some are PERFECT for Halloween!!! You have to see for yourself. These items will be up for auctio...
PortlandMetroAucitons.com Next Auction will be starting Sunday, September 13, 2015, at 8:00 am. PREVIEW items at our Hillsboro warehouse, 630 SW Walnut St., Hillsboro, from 12 pm to 3 pm. These items are from the estate of a photographer, so M...
LIVE PREVIEW auction items on Sunday, August 23, 2015, form 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Exact address to be posted online. Bidding starts on Sunday, August 23, at 7 am, and ends Thursday, August 27, 2015, at 7:00 pm. Log onto PortlandMetroAucitons.com fo...
Summer Estate Sale - Great Items - Preview Day Followed By Online Auction PortlandMetroAuctions.com- PortlandEstateSale.com - Online Auctions Estate Liquidation Service - Portland, Oregon - 503-828-6555 About This Sale- PMA Estate Auctions- SU...