King Galleries

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Based out of Roswell, GA
Our March 1st auction showcases a large and curated collection of European antiques, fine furniture and decorative arts. Other highlights include garden decor, architectural antiques, Black Forest pieces, mid-century modern, rare collectibles, fine ...
Our last auction of the year is one of the best! Packed with hand-picked antiques & objects from across Europe including hundreds of 18th & 19th century pieces.
Our November auction includes over 500 lots of French, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Belgian, English and American antiques, decorative arts, garden, architecturals and collectibles.
Our August auction showcases a curated selection of French, Italian, Belgian, English and American antiques including furniture, decorative arts, paintings, garden decor, collectibles, primitives and architectural antiques.
Our summer auction is packed with 100's of lots of European antiques, fine and decorative arts, garden decor, architecturals, mid century and many fine estate pieces.
Auction Saturday June 1st Bidding starts at 10:00am King Galleries is delighted to present over 600 lots of fine European antique furniture, decorative arts, architecturals, and garden decor. Visit www. for online auction ...
March European Antiques and Estates Auction Saturday, March 16th Bidding starts at 9:00am Our March auction is packed full of French, English, Belgian, Italian and American antiques, mid-century, fine and decorative arts, collectibles, architectura...
Our winter auction features 2 huge European shipments with hundreds of 18th, 19th & 20th century antiques, decorative arts, collectibles, garden elements, paintings, architectural decor and more.
King Galleries European Antiques and Estates Auction Saturday, January 6th Bidding begins at 10:00 EST Our first auction of the new year features 2 shipments of European antiques, several prominent estates, mid century pieces, garden decor, colle...
Our November 4th auction features 100's of lots of French, Italian, Belgian, German, English and American antiques. Many 18th & 19th century pieces including trestle tables, commodes, sideboards, buffets, mirrors, garden decor and architecturals.
Our September auction features a huge selection of European antiques, fine & decorative arts, garden decor and collectibles. Over 600 lots with pieces spanning from the 18th century to modern day. Many fine estate pieces including a Coalbrookdale g...
King Galleries is pleased to present over 500 lots of 18th, 19th and 20th century antiques, decorative arts, architecturals, collectibles and garden decor.
Summer French Antiques & Estates Auction Saturday, July 22nd Bidding starts at 10am EST Our July auction features a huge selection of 18th, 19th and mid century European antiques, home furnishings, garden decor, architectural antiques, collectibl...
Over 600 lots of European furniture, Provincial antiques, architectural pieces, home and garden decor, collectibles, paintings, chandeliers, primitives, mid-century and more. If you like French antiques, you will love this auction.
Spring Fine Estates and European Antiques Saturday, April 29thBidding starts at 10am ESTOur first auction of the Spring features over 650 lots of European antiques, architectural antiques, collectibles and premier estate pieces for home and gar...
King Galleries French Antiques & Premier Estates Auction Saturday, March 18th Bidding begins at 10:00a Our March 18th auction features 2 huge European shipments with hundreds of pieces of French and Italian antiques as well as several premier Atl...
Our February 11th Winter Classic French Antiques Auction will feature 100's of pieces of our classic French antiques. Offerings include dozens of commodes including Louis Philippe, Directoire, Louis XVI, Louis XV and Empire, as well as farmhouse tabl...
Our first auction of the new year features 2 huge shipments of European antiques, several prominent estates, many mid century pieces, garden decor, collectibles and architectural items.
End of the year Flash Auction exclusively hosted on King Galleries online bidding platform. This special auction will feature hundreds of lots of French antiques, furniture, garden decor, mid century modern and more....
Our last big auction of the year features over 500 lots of 18th, 19th & 20th century antique furniture, fine, decorative arts and mid century decor.
Saturday, October 8th. Bidding starts at 10am Our largest European antiques auction of the year! Hundreds of hand picked Antiques, fine and decorative arts and garden decor from across Europe coupled with select pieces from a Luxury Ponte Vedra ...
Collectibles, Advertising & Antiques Auction Saturday, August 27th Bidding starts at 10am EST King Galleries is pleased to present a special back-to-back 2 session auction. Session 1 will feature rare collectibles, advertising, nautical, Western ...
*** ONLINE ONLY*** Highly curated collection of European Antiques combines with several prominent Atlantan's estate collections including pieces from Dean Gardens. Dean Gardens, completed in 1992, was the largest single private home in Atlanta at t...
European Antiques & Mid Century Auction Saturday, June 4th Bidding starts at 10:00am Our June 4th auction features 2 huge shipments from Europe filled with hundreds of pieces of 18th, 19th & 20th century furniture, decorative arts, garden and mid-...
Curated collection of European antiques and fine selection of high end estate furniture, decorative items and art.
Saturday, February 19th 11am Visit for additional information Our February auction is filled with a wonderful selection of 18th, 19th and 20th century European antiques, fine furniture, decoratives arts, garden decor, ...
New Year HUGE European Antiques AuctionSaturday, January 15th Bidding starts at 11am EST Our first auction of the New Year features an impressive selection of fine antique European furniture and decorative arts fresh from across the pond. This aucti...
It's our last auction of 2021!! Join us online for a festive assemblage of French antiques, Provincial decor, Modern farmhouse furnishings, collectibles, mid-century modern, garden decor and estate finds. We are cleaning up the warehouse and lowerin...
Our November auction includes a huge selection of French, Belgian, Italian and English Antiques, many Provincial and Modern farmhouse furnishings, a vast array of decorative arts, mid-century modern furniture and decor, garden accessories, Americana,...
We are pleased to present a fantastic grouping of classic French antiques, architectural items, garden decor, Black Forest and more...alongside fine estate offerings including Kawaii baby grand piano, many mid century pieces and fine crystal includin...
K i n g G a l l e r i e s H u g e S u m m e r B l o w o u t A u c t i o n Monday, July 12th Bidding starts at 1:00pm EST We are cleaning up the gallery and offering over 400 lots in a special weekday auction with very low starting bids. ...
Our June 26th auction features a wide variety of antiques, high end estate furniture, mid century furnishings and garden decor. “‹“‹“‹“‹“‹“‹“‹GAL# AU-C002630
Our May 22 auction includes a huge selection of French Provincial antiques and decor alongside fine furniture, American collectibles, architectural antiques and garden decor. Full catalog on our website GAL# C002630 ...
K i n g G a l l e r i e s European Antiques & American Collectibles Saturday, March 6th Bidding begins at 11am Bidding is available online, or by phone and absentee. No person bidding available. Please contact the gallery with questions or con...
Our February 9th auction is a special evening 300 lot auction filled with French Provincial furniture, decorative arts, wine cellar decor, American primitives and select local estates.
King Galleries New Year's Antiques & Fine Estates Auction Saturday, January 23rd Bidding starts at 11am EST Our first auction of the new year is packed full of European antiques, furniture, architecturals, collectibles, fine art, decoratives and more...
King Galleries Premier Estates and European Antiques Saturday, December 5th Bidding starts at 11am Our last auction of the year is one of the finest! Featuring 100's of lots of antique European furniture, fine and decorative arts, garden decor, ...
Special evening Last Chance online auction filled with 100's of unique items. From French Provincial to American primitives, copper pots to wicker baskets, Majolica to Waterford and Black Forest to American country, this sale has something for everyo...
Our October 24th auction features 100's of lots of European furniture, garden decor, architectural pieces, fine and decoratives arts alongside rare collectibles and Americana including a 1984 Porsche 911 Carrera out of a museum collection, a restored...
King Galleries Saturday, September 26th Bidding starts at 11am Our September Premier Estates and European Antiques Auction features hundreds of antiques from across Europe and America including the contents of several prominent estates. We are plea...
Our August 22 auction features hand picked antiques from across Europe alongside the liquidation of a former design firm and art collector and several fine local estates. Bidding starts at 11am
Saturday, July 18th Bidding starts at Noon Our July 18 premier estates auction includes premier local estates and a hand picked container of European antiques and decorative arts. ...
K i n g G a l l e r i e s European Furniture & Decorative Arts Auction Wednesday, June 17th Bidding Starts at 4:30pm EST Our June 17 ONLINE ONLY auction is filled with European antiques and decorative arts as well as the liquidation of a ...
K i n g G a l l e r i e s Wednesday, May 20th King Galleries is pleased to present part 2 of our ONLINE ONLY French Antiques & Decorative Arts Collection alongside several local estates. Please contact the gallery for questions or concerns...
K i n g G a l l e r i e s April 29th 2020 Bidding starts at 5:00pm Our April 29th ONLINE ONLY auction features 300 lots of European antiques and decorative arts alongside a selection of fine estate goods and collectibles. Due to Covid-19, preview for...
Our February 1st auction features French, English, Belgian, Italian and American antiques including a collection of Black Forest carvings including mantel clock, Cuckoo clock, dresser boxes, tobacco box & wine bucket. In addition, the sale will featu...
K i n g G a l l e r i e s Fine Antiques and Estates Auction House A n n u a l N e w Y e a r ' s D a y A u c t i o n W e d n e s d a y , J a n u a r y 1 s t 2 0 2 0 B i d d i n g s t a r t s a t 1 0 a m Visit www.Kinggalleries...
K i n g G a l l e r i e s Annual End of the Year Clean Up AuctionThursday, November 21st Bidding starts at 5:00pm Our Annual End of the Year Clean Up Auction is one of our most anticipated auctions of the year. It is our last auction of 2019 and w...
K i n g G a l l e r i e s S a t u r d a y , N o v e m b e r 2 n d B i d d i n g s t a r t s a t 1 0 a m Our November 2nd auction is packed with over 600 lots of French, Italian, English, American and Chinese antiques, exceptional a...
K i n g G a l l e r i e s Fall European Antiques and Estates Auction Saturday, September 21st Bidding starts at 11am Early Fall presentation of French, American and Continental Antiques, paintings, sculpture, fine art, collectibles, Persian rugs, a...
This company has posted a total of 99 estate sales. Only the most recent 50 sales are shown.