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If you like being outside this will be a good weekend for "garage sales" Books, cds, DVD, all sizes of table cloths , napkins, decorative pictures, lamps, desk,mattress, wicker trundle,antique table, end tables, kuerig, glasses, ab roller, stepper, c...
Furniture, clothes, tools, antiques,dishes, table ware, China, glassware, pictures, outdoor table set,collectibles,shoes
So so many things to list........................crafting items, Christmas items, Valentines day, St Pat Day, Easter, new years, birthday. kitchen items, treadmill, exercise bike, dressers, shelf, table and chairs, baking stuff, pot, pan, silverware,...
Small appliances, dishes, glasses, table cloths and napkins, lamps, nic nacs, some clothes, candle holders of all shapes and sizes. Travel bags of all sizes, child bow, holiday items curtains and drapes, books, some furniture, some antiques. Too many...
Dont miss out! All items reasonably priced. Furniture: couches, tables, mirrors, hutch, dining, butler table, piano, antique desk and small table. Outdoor furniture, bedroom set Wicker furniture curtains bedding lenox, holiday items, fur coat...
YOU DONT want to miss this sale of slightly used items. THOMASVILLE , UTTERMOST, BASSET, ANNALEE, LENOX, MIKASA, just to name a few .....there is something for everyone, garage items backyard decorations,kcoffeepots, china, silverware, crystal, cloth...