J&K Estate Sales

About J&K Estate Sales
Service areas
Based out of Barberton, OH
Services Offered
- In-person Estate Sales
J&K LIQUIDATIONS (SINCE 1985) Items to include : Large reclining chair, Lazy boy plaid chair, lamps, 1960's BHS letterman coat, vintage children's 45's, Pillsbury Dough Boy kitchen accessories, vintage kitchenware including Fire King, Pyrex, Me...
J&K LIQUIDATIONS (Since 1985) 2006 Gulf Stream Ultra SE Motorhome / RV Chevy 6.0 model gasoline, leather and completely loaded with options, mileage is under 9900 miles! Starting offer is $17,000, highest offer by close Sunday. 1994 Ford...
J&K LIQUIDATIONS (Since 1985) Items to include: Costume jewelry, DVD's, glassware, pottery, Rookwood, iron bar with 2 stools, gas dryer, nice dark wood dining set with 6 chairs, upholstered occasional chairs, media stand, Craftsman lawnmowe...