Complete Estates LLC
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About Complete Estates LLC
Complete houseehold Estate Sale, vintage collectables, Star Wars, Hot Wheels, lp and 45 records, picture records, sports memorabilia, trading cards, vintage jewelry, linens, carnival glass, household items, many still in the box, hand tools, drill pr...
Tools and equipment for woodworking, welding, mechanical repairs. Delta Deluxe radial arm saw, Grizzly jointer, air compressor, Delta table saw, Continental grinder, bench grinder, hand tools, camping equipment, 1984 Life Buoy pontoon boat with trail...
Vintage to modern tools, Mid Century bedroom furniture, dressers, two king size beds, one full, Herman Miller chairs, chest freezer, 1950's refrigerator, Wagner cast iron, Atari Pong console, vintage Thorens turntable, Lowrey piano, vintage jewelry, ...
Lots to see in this mid century home. Vintage wicker furniture, two mid century bedroom sets plus a twin electric bed, cedar chest, tools, cast iron cauldron, hand water pump, Fenton glass, Lefton China, 2 unopened boxes of Haviland China, official W...
Quality home decor and housewares, corner China cabinet, China, Wyandotte Toys convertible car, Michael RIcker pewter collectibles, furniture, collection of silverplate serving pieces, vintage glassware, vintage Pyrex, Kenmore washer & dryer, vintage...