Maybe and clear glass bird with maybe bottle 1 / 333 sold -
Maybe and clear glass bird with maybe bottle 2 / 333 sold -
Maybe and clear glass bird with maybe bottle 3 / 333 sold -
Vintage books 4 / 333 sold -
Vintage books 5 / 333 sold -
Brass candle holders & extinguisher with wood handle 6 / 333 sold -
Brass candle holders & extinguisher with wood handle 7 / 333 sold -
Brass candle holders & extinguisher with wood handle 8 / 333 sold -
Brass candle holders & extinguisher with wood handle 9 / 333 sold -
Blue glass items 10 / 333 sold -
Green glass scalloped bowls 14 / 333 sold -
Green glass scalloped bowls 15 / 333 sold -
Green glass scalloped bowls 16 / 333 sold -
Dolly ketchup 17 / 333 sold -
Dolly ketchup 18 / 333 sold -
Dolly ketchup 19 / 333 sold -
Chinese cork carving and fans 20 / 333 sold -
Chinese cork carving and fans 21 / 333 sold -
Chinese cork carving and fans 22 / 333 sold -
Also includes small, handpainted pitcher 23 / 333 sold -
Also includes small, handpainted pitcher 24 / 333 sold -
Also includes small, handpainted pitcher 25 / 333 sold -
Also includes small, handpainted pitcher 26 / 333 sold -
Also includes small, handpainted pitcher 27 / 333 sold -
Including crystal 28 / 333 sold -
Including crystal 29 / 333 sold -
8” tall 42 / 333 sold -
8” tall 43 / 333 sold -
With dark wood frame 19” w c 15” l 44 / 333 sold -
With dark wood frame 19” w c 15” l 45 / 333 sold -
Includes case expo bell 46 / 333 sold -
Includes case expo bell 47 / 333 sold -
Includes case expo bell 48 / 333 sold -
Includes case expo bell 49 / 333 sold -
All have different tones due to size 54 / 333 sold -
All have different tones due to size 55 / 333 sold -
All have different tones due to size 56 / 333 sold -
Includes coffee mug 1872 is written on pipe 57 / 333 sold -
Includes coffee mug 1872 is written on pipe 58 / 333 sold -
Vintage powder, egg and vase 62 / 333 sold -
Vintage powder, egg and vase 63 / 333 sold -
Vintage powder, egg and vase 64 / 333 sold -
Vintage powder, egg and vase 65 / 333 sold -
Unique ink well and fountain pen in a bullhorn display 66 / 333 sold -
Unique ink well and fountain pen in a bullhorn display 67 / 333 sold -
Unique ink well and fountain pen in a bullhorn display 68 / 333 sold -
Also includes matchbox car, maps, and playing cards 96 / 333 sold -
Also includes matchbox car, maps, and playing cards 97 / 333 sold -
Also includes matchbox car, maps, and playing cards 98 / 333 sold -
Also includes matchbox car, maps, and playing cards 99 / 333 sold
Photos 1 - 100 of 333
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