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Veteran Auction's Shop
Ships from 20711INVADER - BLACK SUNSET - SHIRT (M)
Black Sunset by Invader, 2020
Original t-shirt (black).
Limited Edition (Sold Out).
Size: (M)
8 x 10 Inches (pkg)
100% Combed Cotton.
New in original packaging.
Invader is a French urban artist. He is known for his ceramic tile mosaics modeled on the pixelated art of 1970s 1980s 8-bit video games, many of which depict the titular aliens from the 1978 arcade game Space Invaders (the inspiration for his pseudonym).
His creations can be seen in highly-visible locations in 79 cities in 33 countries. To accompany his citywide installations, or "Invasions", Invader publishes books and maps as guides to the locations of his mosaics.
Invader also makes mosaics using QR codes and stacks of Rubik's Cubes (with the latter typically installed indoors).
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