Seller Profile

Michael Richford
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  • Join Date
    Oct 4, 2023
Current & Past Sales

This user has conducted a total of 5 sales.

So much stuff not sure it will be all unboxed by sale date something for everyone all priced to sell Notable items Jewelry Jewelry box Clothing some vintage many designer Bedroom set Living room set Kitchen table with chairs Dining ro...

13 Jackson Ln Millbury, MA 01527
Sale starts Fri. Oct 4, 2024 at 9:00 AM EDT

EXTRA DAY ADDED SUNDAY 6/2 Awesome house loaded with sellable merchandise, such as Silver coins - Morgan & Peace Dollars , Franklin & Kennedy Halves , Washington Quarters, Rosevelt & Mercury Dimes, Eagles plus some non silver coins Jewelry to i...

Sale ended Sat. Jun 1, 2024 at 2:00 PM EDT

To of great items including many brimfield purchases Out sunny patio furniture Five piece wicker set wicker bar Bedroom sets dining room table with eight chairs and sideboard, coffee table couch plus other furniture Glassware books Two perso...

Sale ended Sat. May 4, 2024 at 2:00 PM EDT

Estate Sale Extravaganza - Beautiful Holden home Join us for a remarkable estate sale featuring a treasure trove of antiques, mid century furniture collectibles and many other items accumulated over decades. This sale includes Willett mid century...

Sale ended Sat. Dec 2, 2023 at 2:00 PM EDT

Beautiful Country Home As we prepare to move to a new chapter, we’re offering you the chance to find amazing deals on a wide range of items, including: “¢ Furniture “¢ Home decor “¢ Electronics “¢ Kitchen appliances “¢ Clothin...

Sale ended Sat. Oct 28, 2023 at 3:00 PM EDT
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