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The Clean Out Krew
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    Jun 28, 2024
Current & Past Sales

This user has conducted a total of 6 sales.

The Clean Out Krew Presents a HUGH I mean HUGH ESTATE SALE 1100 East Main St Somerset Pa Saturday Sept 21 2024 / 10 am to 3 pm Sunday Sept 22 2004 / 10am to 2pm Cash or Card/ cards must be ov...

1100 E Main St Somerset, PA 15501
Sale starts Sat. Sep 21, 2024 at 10:00 AM EDT

The Clean Out krew Presents A AWESOME ESTATE / RUMMAGE SALE 2056 Rt 130 Pleasent unity Pa 15676 Sept 14 2004 from 10am to 3pm Cash or Card can be used cards must be over $20.00 d...

Sale ended Sat. Sep 14, 2024 at 3:00 PM EDT

THE CLEAN OUT KREW Presents OUTSTANDING ESTATE SALE Monroeville Pa We have a OUTSTANDING sale with a very nice selection of antiques from beautiful tea cups , blue , green , red...

Sale ended Sun. Sep 8, 2024 at 1:00 PM EDT

This is a SUPER estate sale, we have many items NEW items still in the box along with glassware cabbage patch dolls a lot great looking stuffed animals, xmas items furniture and some ready nice tools and assortment of other tools .vintage radio and...

Sale ended Sun. Sep 1, 2024 at 1:00 PM EDT

FANTASTIC Estate Sale 8-17- 2024 Sat 10am - 3pm 8-18- 2024 Sun 10am - 2ish pm This is a fantastic Estate Sale full of colorful glass of all shape and sizes, vintage furniture for everyone to love for many more years, tools, vintage x-mas d...

Sale ended Sun. Aug 18, 2024 at 2:00 PM EDT

This is a great little estate sale , 2 floors and garage to look through. we have a awesome collection of glass paper weights, crystal quartz rocks, Russ/japan glass , Lenox, x- Mas decor, Trilobite fossils, H. Hargrove art work, cookie jar, C.T. C...

Sale ended Sun. Jun 30, 2024 at 1:00 PM EDT
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