Seller Profile

Patsy Zimmerman
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    Jul 18, 2017
Current & Past Sales

This user has conducted a total of 22 sales. The 10 most recent are shown.

The house, garage and small out building are full of wonderful items just waiting for you to take them home. Leather Couch, Wing Back Chairs, Table with 4 chairs, Sewing Machine, Christmas, Golf Clubs, Tools, Linens, Appliances, Washer and Dryer, Che...

Sale ended Fri. Jun 21, 2024 at 4:00 PM CDT

Beautiful Vintage and Primative items! We have a full bed, a trundel bed, 2 red leather wing back chairs, a wagon wheel table, primative dining table with 8 chairs, primative cabinets and quilt box, trunks, vintage playschool toys, collector toys, qu...

Sale ended Fri. Aug 25, 2023 at 5:00 PM CDT

We have a lot of great items for everyone at this sale...Tonka Trucks, Linens, Leather Couches, Recliner, Queen Beds, Televisions, Dressers, Chests, End Tables, Table and Chairs, Vintage Records, Vintage Projectors, Engine Stands, Shed, Play Set, Tra...

Sale ended Fri. Jun 2, 2023 at 5:00 PM CDT

The house is full!!! We have couches, sleeper sofas, leather couch, barrel chairs, wing backs, occassional chairs, bar stools, dining tables, curio cabinets, rocking chair, king bed, dressers, chests, night stands, lamps, pillows, throws, bedding, la...

Sale ended Fri. Apr 28, 2023 at 5:30 PM CDT

This estate sale has something for everyone...entire house is full as well as an outside shed...we have twin bed, full bed, queen bed, dressers, chests, mirrors, side tables, end tables, couches, occassional chairs, sitting chairs, dining table small...

Sale ended Fri. Sep 23, 2022 at 5:00 PM CDT

This is a great sale! Leather Love seat, TV, full Size Bed, Dresser, Chest, shelving, Lamps, night stand, Office furniture, tools, craft items, holiday decorations, flower arrangements, collectibles, antiques, patio furnishings, garden tools, pots/pa...

Sale ended Thu. Aug 4, 2022 at 5:00 PM CDT

Many years of collecting!!! The house is full the large barn is full. He was a wood craftsman and has all the tools to create beautiful things. She was an collector of many things and liked to sew. Here is a partical list of what you will find......V...

Sale ended Sat. May 21, 2022 at 1:00 PM CDT

This is a warehouse full of primitave furniture, fixtures, items and great finds. We also have everyday items, gifting items and beautiful decor. There are wooden ladders, tables, desks, chairs, buckets, boxes, corner cabinets, cabinets, display case...

Sale ended Fri. Jan 14, 2022 at 5:00 PM CDT

This estate sale offers vintage to modern, old to new, hard to find to everyday! You will take a step back in time with the vintage hats and beaded purses not to mention the vintage jewelry. We have Bedroom suite complete with dresser and tall skinny...

Sale ended Fri. Dec 10, 2021 at 4:00 PM CDT

Estate Sale - 98 years of collecting this sale has something for everyone. Located in Laguna Vista, Highway 51N in Granbury Texas. We have dressers, beds, couch, love seat, recliner/rockers, shop tools, christmas, linens, collectable toys from the 50...

Sale ended Sat. Nov 13, 2021 at 1:00 PM CDT
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