Seller Profile

Cathy Bucknum
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    Jan 10, 2019
Current & Past Sales

This user has conducted a total of 9 sales.

Lady Pickers of Loveland is joining Crafty Faeries for a reseller downsizing Garage Sale. All Kinds of fun stuff. New old stock, vintage treasures and everything in between. There is so so much!! Not enough room to empty all the boxes, oh what fun! I...

567 Canyonlands St Berthoud, CO 80513
Sale ends Sat. Sep 21, 2024 at 3:00 PM MDT

Lady Pickers of Loveland HUGE sale. This is a combination of sales, garage, estate and moving. There are tons of vintage mens and womens clothing. So many pieces of clothes with tags. TONS of media. Lots of vintage treasures, furniture and so much mo...

Sale ended Sun. Aug 4, 2024 at 2:00 PM MDT

Lady Pickers of Loveland is having their 1st Garage Sale event for 2024. April 12th and 13th from 8-2. Antique, vintage & current century treasures. Something for everyone. Jewelry, kitchen, knick knacks, decor, art, Holiday, games, all forms of medi...

Sale ended Sat. Apr 13, 2024 at 2:00 PM MDT

This is the only garage sale of the year for the Lady Pickers of Loveland, lots of treasures. All sorts of cool items. Stop on by.

Sale ended Sun. Oct 1, 2023 at 2:00 PM MDT

Lady Pickers of Loveland is having another huge sales event to be held Saturday November 5th from 8-2 at 101 W. 4th Street, Loveland. That is Kings Storage enter on the West side of the building. It is all indoors. Lots of cool, fun treasures. Someth...

Sale ended Sat. Nov 5, 2022 at 2:00 PM MDT

Lady Pickers of Loveland is having another huge sales event to be held Sat. September 24th from 8-2 at 101 W. 4th Street, Loveland. That is Kings Storage enter on the West side of the building. It is all indoors. Lots of cool, fun treasures. Somethin...

Sale ended Sat. Sep 24, 2022 at 2:00 PM MDT

Lady Pickers of Loveland is having another huge sales event to be held Sat. July 16th from 9-3 at 101 W. 4th Street, Loveland. Indoor warehouse sale with lots of cool, fun treasures. Something for everyone. Tools, jewelry, clothes, collectibles, game...

Sale ended Sat. Jul 16, 2022 at 3:00 PM MDT

Lady Pickers of Loveland is having their 3rd Sales event to be held Sat. April 30th from 8:30-2 at 1075 Eagle Drive. To be held at my storage unit. Antique, vintage & current century treasures. Something for everyone. Clothes, jewelry, kitchen, knick...

Sale ended Sat. Apr 30, 2022 at 2:00 PM MDT

Lady Pickers of Loveland is having their 2nd Sale event to be held Sat. April 9th from 8:30-2 at 1075 Eagle Drive. To be held at my storage unit. Antique, vintage & current century treasures. Something for everyone. Clothes, jewelry, kitchen, knick k...

Sale ended Sat. Apr 9, 2022 at 2:00 PM MDT
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