Seller Profile

Sondra Baseggio
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    Jan 26, 2019
Current & Past Sales

This user has conducted a total of 10 sales.

**PLEASE NOTE: we are preparing for the sale and emails about pricing will not be answered. Parking will be extremely limited. Please be prepared to walk. There will be driving access to pick up furniture. Thank you for understanding and your coopera...

Sale ended Sat. Jun 22, 2024 at 4:00 PM EDT

PLEASE NOTE: we are preparing for the sale and emails about pricing will not be answered. Thank you for understanding.** Imagine if the home furnishing companies of Ethan Allen, Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barn joined forces to launch a sale th...

Sale ended Sun. Aug 6, 2023 at 4:00 PM EDT

A local artist is retiring to her home in Florida giving our communities the opportunity to find some unique pieces and artwork. We are offering a sale in the Connecticut Shoreline town of Madison. If you've been looking to add some well made items t...

Sale ended Sat. Jul 15, 2023 at 4:00 PM EDT

Sale Description *PLEASE NOTE: we are preparing for the sale and emails about pricing will not be answered. Thank you for understanding.** We are offering a one day pop up sale in the Connecticut Shoreline town of Guilford. If you've been looking ...

Sale ended Sat. Jun 10, 2023 at 4:00 PM EDT

*PLEASE NOTE: we are preparing for the sale and emails about pricing will not be answered. Thank you for understanding.** Truly a unique opportunity has come about on the Connecticut Shoreline town of Madison. If you've been looking to add some beau...

Sale ended Sat. May 6, 2023 at 4:00 PM EDT

We are proud to present this well-traveled family in Guilford, with former homes in Nantucket and Key Largo, as the setting for this month’s estates sale. A vintage and transitional mix of furniture, home accessories, key small kitchen appliances, st...

Sale ended Sat. Mar 18, 2023 at 4:00 PM EDT

A Greenwich family’s summer cottage in Madison is the setting for this month’s estates sale. A vintage and transitional mix of furniture, home accessories, key small kitchen appliances, stemware and art makes for a fun weekend of treasure hunting. Co...

Sale ended Sat. Feb 4, 2023 at 3:00 PM EDT

Truly a unique opportunity has come about in Pawson Park, Branford. It may be December, but let's think about the beach house. Whether you have one, or want to live the coastal living life, this house is for you. This home's high end furnishings, w...

Sale ended Sat. Dec 10, 2022 at 4:00 PM EDT

Time to downsize for this fashionable family means great finds for you! A contemporary and transitional mix of furniture, home accessories (indoor and out), key small kitchen appliances, dining pieces, bicycles and art makes for a fun weekend of tre...

Sale ended Sat. Nov 12, 2022 at 4:00 PM EDT

We couldn't be more excited to "kick off" our 2019 sales season on Super Bowl weekend than with this beautiful home located in Guilford. There is truly something for everyone, and you won't want to miss it. Designer furniture, decor, collectibles, fa...

Sale ended Sat. Feb 2, 2019 at 4:00 PM EDT
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