Photo 65 of 605 photos

This is a page from Lewis Miller's sketchbook dated June 28th 1856. A depiction of "The Residence of Rev. J.N. Lewis of Wytheville, June 28, 1856" Lewis Miller further notes that "Mr. Lewis has a fine collection of minerals with specimens of this neighborhood." Upon researching Reverend James Nelson Lewis is found on the 1860 census of Wytheville, VA, married, with several children. He was born in PA about 1809 and died in Florida in 1887 (you can view his headstone on FindAGrave). He married Jane McClanahan in Roanoke, VA in 1847. He was a minister of the Gospel. The area he lived in is coal-mining country and there are many geological specimens to be had in the area. The piece measures 10.5" across x 12" tall. His works hang in many museums including Smithsonian. His works have sold at Sotheby’s for over 15k. This watercolor has such fascinating subject matter. A day right out of 1856. There is no damage to this watercolor just slight age toning. Estimated to be in the current frame since approx. 1950. Just a fantastic fascinating piece.

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