Caring Transitions - VA Peninsula

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About Caring Transitions - VA Peninsula

Caring Transitions - VA Peninsula is not currently an active member of and may or may not be conducting estate sales at this time. We recommend browsing our directory of current estate sale companies in the Newport News, VA area.
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COLLECTORS DREAM SALE #2 CARING TRANSITIONS HUGE MULTI TREASURES COLLECTOR. Williamsburg VA lover of Art Deco/Mid Century collectibles. Royal Copley/Royal Windsor ...

Bidding ended Tue. Mar 17 at 7:00PM EDT

COLLECTORS DREAM SALE #1 BY CARING TRANSITIONS We have so much to auction we will be holding multiple sales to handle it all. All coming from several GRAND Collectors of different Collectibles. One Estate in Williamsburg Hallmark, Wade Irish ...

Bidding ended Tue. Mar 10 at 6:00PM EDT

"SCOUTS HONOR" HUGE SCOUTING COLLECTION ONLINE AUCTION by CARING TRANSITIONS Caring Transitions is proud to host this BIG Scouting Collection. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownies, Explorers & More. Over 120 lots. Manuals, uniforms, boo...

Bidding ended Tue. Feb 18 at 8:00PM EDT

HER TEAM SPORTS WAREHOUSE SALE/ONLINE AUCTION Williamsburg based business "Her Team Sports" is liquidating their stock and we are here to help. Multiple Sports items here. And all about "Women." Everything is New, never used. Most items still have ...

Bidding ended Tue. Jan 28 at 7:00PM EDT

WILLIAMSBURG LIVING ESTATE SALE Most all longtime Williamsburg Residents are familiar with the Waltrip name and family. This is the Living Estate Sale of lifetime Williamsburg Resident Lisa Waltrip. A career spanning over 40 years in Interior Design...

Sale ended Sun. Dec 29, 2019 at 4:00 PM EDT

POQUOSON ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS. Short notice Estate Sale. Beautiful Home in Poquoson and Little time to prepare. Let's let the pictures tell the story here. LOTS OF PICTURES ADDED. PLEASE IGNORE DUPLICATES AND KEEP LOOKING. ...

Sale ended Sat. Dec 14, 2019 at 3:00 PM EDT

Here you can see right away this is a very well kept home with great furniture. Broyhill, Basset, Craftique, Lane, Lazy Boy and more well known, quality names. Of course we have a lot of Christmas decorations just in time for the Holiday. Some gre...

Sale ended Sat. Nov 16, 2019 at 4:00 PM EDT

COINS, SILVER, ART & MORE by CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA THE COINS - We have coins from several clients. Only one gold piece. An 1881 U.S. $5 gold coin. One collector kept his coins boarded, in plastic sleeves in a binder. These we are selling by...

Bidding ended Tue. Oct 1 at 7:00PM EDT

HUGE PORTSMOUTH ESTATE SALE by CARING TRANSITIONS OMG, I don't even know where to begin. This is one of those homes that when different extended family downsized they would store what they could not keep at this family members home. Over the years th...

Sale ended Sun. Sep 1, 2019 at 3:00 PM EDT

VA BEACH ESTATE LIQUIDATION/ONLINE AUCTION BY CARING TRANSITIONS WOW, just WOW! We have not come across an estate like this in, well, forever. Every one we do we find some really interesting items. But rarely do we find interesting and cool together....

Bidding ended Tue. Jul 2 at 7:00PM EDT

HAMPTON ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS This is one of those sales that is guaranteed to take you back. Like walking into museum that highlights the 1970's and 80's. This home is remarkable. From the grounds outside to the interior layout and decor...

Sale ended Sun. Jun 2, 2019 at 3:00 PM EDT

SEAFORD ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS Seaford, always one of our favorite places to be. This home is filled with a great selection of Antique and vintage furniture, collectibles and more. Due to a circumstances beyond our control we are forced to...

Sale ended Sun. May 26, 2019 at 3:00 PM EDT

HAMPTON ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS What you will find - Costume jewelry, sports cards, cd's, dolls, Nautical, furniture, vintage and antique, Hummels, Toby Mugs, Lladro, brass, clocks, art, kitchenware, china, Herb Jones art, collectibles and ...

Sale ended Sun. Apr 28, 2019 at 3:00 PM EDT

MULTI ESTATE WAREHOUSE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS Once again we have gathered this and that from multiple estates in our warehouse for one GREAT ONLINE AUCTION. Every listing begins at just $1. Highlights for this sale include: License plate collect...

Bidding ended Tue. Apr 9 at 7:00PM EDT

WILLIAMSBURG ONSITE ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA Another MEGA ESTATE SALE with a quick turn around time! Large house on the banks of Lake Pasbehegh near Jamestown. We have a canoe, jon boat, trolling motors, die cast car collection...

Sale ended Sun. Mar 17, 2019 at 3:00 PM EDT

BIG NEWPORT NEWS ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS These quick turnover sales just keep popping up. A HUGE amount of great items here and a short time to prepare for you. We do not have time available to complete all that needs to be done. This sal...

Sale ended Sun. Mar 10, 2019 at 3:00 PM EDT

LANEXA ONSITE ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA Lanexa may sound far out of the way for one of our sales but this HUGE SALE is more than worth your drive time. Full house & Garage - Yamaha Motorcycle, Moto Ped, Kayak, John Deere Lawn T...

Sale ended Sun. Feb 24, 2019 at 3:00 PM EDT

BANK ON IT PLUS - SALE #3 As promised, this big sale of collectable banks continues. An we have saved "THE BEST FOR LAST". In this sale we are including BIG COLLECTIONS of GLASS AND CERAMIC HATS, GLASS/CERAMIC COLLECTIBLE SHOES AND A SPRINKLING OF ...

Bidding ended Tue. Feb 19 at 6:30PM EDT

HAYES ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS Put an end to those Winter Blues. This sale is certain to be one to remember. The pictures here are only part of the story. We had to remove multiple truckloads of items to sell online just to make room to disp...

Sale ended Sun. Jan 27, 2019 at 4:00 PM EDT

BANK ON IT. And we do mean Banks. And a whole lot more. Our most recent client had all sorts of collections. So much so we will not be able to get everything listed this sale. Look for BANKS of course. Vintage, antique, reproductions, cast iron, mech...

Bidding ended Tue. Jan 22 at 7:00PM EDT

NEWPORT NEWS ESTATE SALE/ONLINE AUCTIN CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA We hadn't planned tom have another sale this year. We were in fact planning Holiday Parties and days off when we were asked to please help us do something with all this furnitur...

Bidding ended Thu. Dec 27 at 7:00PM EDT

WAREHOUSE SALE #4 - CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA We scheduled this sale with Christmas in mind. Set to end on Monday Dec. 17. That will give us enough time to ship small lots to arrive before Christmas. Sale pick up will be on Saturday Dec. 22. ...

Bidding ended Mon. Dec 17 at 7:00PM EDT

PORTSMOUTH ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS THIS SALE IS HUGE. Most of our sales we complete in 2 days. This one we are setting aside a 3rd day. These pictures will tell a Big Story Here. This place is loaded with something for everyone. An Indu...

Sale ended Sun. Nov 4, 2018 at 4:00 PM EDT

NEWPORT NEWS/BEECHMONT ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS Another GREAT SALE coming in the Beechmont area of Newport News. This one is absolutely LOADED with interesting Furniture, Art and collectibles. This is well beyond your average Estate Sal...

Sale ended Sun. Oct 28, 2018 at 3:00 PM EDT

YORKTOWN ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS Back to Yorktown for another great sale. Our client is a world traveller with great taste in furniture and home decor'. Downsizing now to a more comfortable home they are leaving behind many wonderful p...

Sale ended Sun. Sep 30, 2018 at 3:00 PM EDT

PORTSMOUTH ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA Another great sale in Portsmouth from Caring Transitions. Just minutes across the Monitor Merrimac Bridge Tunnel. Furniture, collectibles, tools, vintage, antiques, art, housewares, ki...

Sale ended Sun. Sep 23, 2018 at 3:00 PM EDT

WILLIAMSBURG/QUEENS LAKE ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS For long time residents of Williamsburg when Queens Lake is mentioned images will instantly come to mind. Large beautifully landscaped homes filled with fine furniture, antiques, vintage, co...

Sale ended Sun. Aug 19, 2018 at 3:00 PM EDT

HAYES ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS Has been awhile since we have had a good sale in Hayes and we have now scored another winner here. Have not yet set up the sale but here are some pictures to get us started. Add the date to your calendar and we...

Sale ended Sun. Jul 15, 2018 at 3:00 PM EDT


Bidding ended Tue. May 22 at 5:00PM EDT

HAMPTON ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA Another HUGE SALE in Riverdale. Our client has lived in this home for over 40 years and accumulated a great deal of collectibles, furniture and more. We have had to call in multiple dona...

Sale ended Sun. May 20, 2018 at 3:00 PM EDT

Caring Transitions has moved. Our Online Auctions have been known as CTOnline Auctions for the last 11 years. We are now A whole new look, a new bidding experience with all the same great deals and service. Every listing still begins at j...

Bidding ended Tue. Apr 17 at 5:00PM EDT

CHESAPEAKE ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS Antiques, vintage, furniture, collectibles, different & unusual finds. One BIG DAY Sale. One GREAT SALE.

Sale ended Sat. Apr 7, 2018 at 4:00 PM EDT

NEWPORT NEWS COLLECTORS ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS OF THE VA PENINSULA!!! OH WHAT A SALE THIS WILL BE! Our client has frequented Estate Sales, Yard and Garage Sale for over 30 years with an eye for buying what they loved and admired. Now...

Sale ended Sun. Mar 25, 2018 at 3:00 PM EDT

MULTI ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS OF THE VA PENINSULA We have gathered consignments from a beautiful home in Ghent/Norfolk, a home on the Hampton Waterfront and more to create one GREAT SALE. All now moved to one location. A warehouse space in...

Bidding ended Tue. Mar 6 at 5:00PM EDT

NEWPORT NEWS THRIFT STORE INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA THE YARD SALE Located in the Hilton area of Newport News is bursting with excess inventory and more pouring in weekly. So much so they have asked us to host an onl...

Bidding ended Wed. Jan 24 at 5:00PM EDT

Dolphins, Dragons & More Surprises - Caring Transitions VA Peninsula Add some Fantasy & Mystique to your life/house. This sale is loaded with Dolphin and Dragon art, figurines and more. Oriental furniture and art, books, Maytag Washer & Dryer, a bea...

Bidding ended Wed. Dec 27 at 5:00PM EDT

JAMES LANDING ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA This marks the start of a sale many of you have been patiently awaiting. We began work here all the way back in June as most of our regular people know. We have been awaiting the house ...

Bidding ended Tue. Oct 24 at 7:00PM EDT

2 HUGE SALES IN ONE GREAT WEEKEND BY CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA Mark this weekend in your calendars now. By some stroke of luck we have been blessed with not one but 2 great sales to be held the same weekend. Within 15 miles of each other. And b...

Sale ended Sun. Sep 10, 2017 at 3:00 PM EDT

Two HUGE Sales this weekend. This sale in Urbanna is loaded with Fine Furniture, Beautiful art work and home decor'. Two packed sheds. And a garage loaded with Harley Davidson parts & accessories, hunting gear, fishing, military and all around MAN St...

Sale ended Sun. Sep 10, 2017 at 3:00 PM EDT

WARE NECK/GLOUCESTER COURTHOUSE ESTATE DOWNSIZING X 2 BY CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA This sale is just the tip of the iceberg here. First for all the Online Auction lovers we have not one but 2 waterfront homes within 2 doors of each other both...

Bidding ended Tue. Sep 5 at 6:30PM EDT

MARLBANK ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA All these familiar with the Marlbank neighborhood in Yorktown know it well. A well established, beautiful neighborhood. Most of the families there have been there for 30 years or more. And when...

Sale ended Sun. Aug 13, 2017 at 3:00 PM EDT

HIDENWOOD ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA Caring Transitions is hosting another great online auction in the Hidenwood area of Newport News 23606. Every sale in this area is always a treat. We have multiple antiques, art, carpets, ...

Bidding ended Tue. Jul 25 at 6:30PM EDT

NEWPORT NEWS ESTATE SALE BYCARING TRANSITIONS VIRGINIA PENINSULA Another great sale on the way in Newport News. The owners of this estate spent 22 years in the Army Adjutant General Corps. He served under General Westmoreland during the war in Vie...

Sale ended Sun. Jun 4, 2017 at 3:00 PM EDT

VIRGINIA ANTIQUES COLLECTORS ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS OF THE VA PENINSULA Long time Peninsula resident and antique collector relocating from home on the Warwick River. With broad collecting interest including Early American Furnitu...

Bidding ended Tue. May 30 at 8:30PM EDT

HIDDEN TREASURES IN HIDENWOOD - CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENISULA Why Hidden Treasures? We just started working in this house today (5/2/17) in Hidenwood. The homeowner has been packing up everything for months and the new owners are taking over n...

Sale ended Sun. May 7, 2017 at 3:00 PM EDT

Gloucester/Achilles Estate Sale by Caring Transitions VA Peninsula This waterfront home in Achilles has just what you would expect to find in a Gloucester waterfront home. A Pontoon Boat w/ Evinrude motor (motor is only 3 years old with very ...

Sale ended Sun. Apr 23, 2017 at 3:00 PM EDT

HAMPTON ESTATE SALE BY CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA Only have a few pictures to share at this time. We will not get into the house fully until after March 24th. As soon as possible we will have plenty more pictures of whats to come. Ple...

Sale ended Sat. Apr 1, 2017 at 3:00 PM EDT

FORDS COLONY ESTATE ONLINE AUCTION BY CARING TRANSITIONS VA PENINSULA This is the sale many of you have been waiting for. We have had pictures of many of the items to be sold on our site for several months awaiting the sale of the house. Tha...

Bidding ended Tue. Mar 28 at 8:30PM EDT

This sale is a complete Estate Liquidation. Every listing begins at just $1. Many great finds here including a collection of Hummels, Vintage Dixie Furniture and Distinctive Furniture by Stanley. A GE washer and Dryer. Dining Room set, bedroom, tool...

Bidding ended Tue. Jan 31 at 5:00PM EDT

This company has posted a total of 132 estate sales. Only the most recent 50 sales are shown.

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