About Caring Transitions of Bozeman
Terms and Conditions: Bring help to move and load your items. No help provided. Items are on first floor, basement and garage. Free items will be out on driveway at 9 am. Sale opens at 9:30 am. 50% off starts at 1:30 pm. Sale ends at 3:30 pm. ...
Clocks, Furniture, Lures, Reels, Decor & more!
Note: We have posted very few of the 300 photos available, our apologies. As we attempted to upload, the site keeps crashing. Visit our Caring Transitions of Bozeman Facebook page to see all photos. Thanks 300 photos on Facebook We have one J...
Saturday Sept. 24, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm on Huffman Lane, Bozeman 59715. 4 hours at fix-firm tagged pricing ... line up at the garage door in front of the dumpster at 9:30 am to shop the sale until 1:30 pm. Our 50% OFF deal on nearly everything will...
School/Office & Outdoor Goodies Sale Saturday Sept. 17, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm on Bluebird Ln., Bozeman 59715. 4 hours at fix-firm tagged pricing ... line up at the garage door in front of the dumpster at 9:30 am to shop the sale until 1:30 pm. ...
The Artifacts & Furniture Aplenty Sale Saturday Aug 27, 9:30 to 3:30. Our 50% OFF deal on everything will start at 1:30pm! 4 hours at fix-firm tagged pricing and 2 hours of unbelievable bargains at half price! On E. Curtiss St., Bozeman...
Exciting news: Upcoming "Fundraiser for Eagle Mount" sale! Items are located at the “Wok” Chinese Restaurant (permanently closed), 319 N 7th Ave, Bozeman, MT 59715. Saturday 07/23/2016 from 9:30am to 3:30pm Cash-check-credit No public...
Small Treasures of all Kinds Estate Sale Saturday July 16 from 9:30 till 3:30. 50% off all items 1:30 to 3:30! Lots of items are boxed, no photos yet. More photos (including furniture) will be posted on Monday July 11, once we set up the cont...
The Prodigious Estate Sale, Estate/Tag Sale Inside Private Home, 59718, Happy Acres Rd, Bozeman MT, From Huffine Ln, Drive south on S. Cottonwood. Drive about 5 miles and turn left on Happy Acres Rd. If you passAnderson School, you went too far!...
Saturday June 4 from 9:30 till 3:30. 50% off most items at 2:30. Bring help to move and load your treasures. No public restrooms. Take 19 Ave N, pass over the Interstate (i-90), turn right on Springhill Road, turn right on Sypes Canyon, drive...
The "Fly Fishing-Furniture Galore ... and more " Estate Sale will take place on April 16, 2016 from 9:30am to 3:30pm! A whole house of great furniture and garage/outdoor/fishing items! We do have a large amount of fly fishing and craft items! ...
ONLINE AUCTION: The "Poly Drive Treasures" Online Auction is live! The 120 lots are located in Billings! To place your bids, go to our Online Auction site: www.ctonlineauctions.com/bozeman. We have also added a Small Side Sale with 20+ lots that are ...
The "Moving South" Estate Sale will take place on April 02, 2016 from 9:30am to 3:30pm! Cash-Check-Credit, bring help to move and load your treasures. No help provided to move and load. No public restroom what so ever, no exception. Firm Fixed ...
Estate Liquidation! The "South of Bozeman Sale" Online Auction is live! Time to bid! All items/lots start at $1 no reserve except for the scooter (mobility device). Please read all terms and conditions under the item/lot description before you bi...
Furniture and household items of all kinds in a great house on Wilson Ave downtown Bozeman! Everything must go that day! The house is sold!
Place your bids at: http://www.ctonlineauctions.com/Bozeman All items start at $1 no reserve! PLEASE NOTE: payment (PayPal or credit card through PayPal) is due at the very latest by 10/09/15 at noon, NO EXCEPTION. See all Terms and Condition...
Auction ends 09/17/2015 at 6 pm Mountain Time, therefore 8 pm Eastern Time. Listings are in Eastern Time. Pick-up in Bozeman MT 59715, 9am to 1pm, Saturday 09/19/2015. See all Terms and Conditions. No smoker in the house, no pets. Many items have no ...
The "House of Plenty" Estate Sale is a huge sale in a full house! Please note that the sale's description below is only the top of the iceberg! There are so many items to sell in that house that there is no way to put it all into words! Refer to p...
Everything that you can imagine! Gigantic sale in garage, 2 story house, storage unit and more! Vintage Anri Toriart “Charlemagne” hand painted chest set from Italy, Madame Alexander “Madame Doll” revolutionary doll, owl col...
Caring Transitions of Bozeman (and the greater area) helping one senior/family at the time to liquidate! Saturday March 14th from 10 am to 3 pm in Three Forks For exact address, please follow signs from Iowa Street on 03/14/15. Cash is pref...
Please remember that times are listed in ET on our auction site. The sale will end at 8:00pm Eastern Time ... it means 6:00 pm in the Bozeman area! The Furniture Galore & More Online Auction brings a nice range of items to our bidders. Living r...
All items have been posted! Welcome to the Auction! Fenton Ware white milk glass, Fenton Ware colored glass, glassware, Waterford, Spode, silverware, crystal, picture frames, ornaments, figurines, Lladros, pictures, knife rests, platters, bowls, sa...
Helping one family to liquidate! Big sale in a small space! We have items to sell in every square inch of this 2 bedrooms house and garage! And everything must go! See description of items further below! Cash, check with ID and credit cards...
Home Tool Set, Garden Tool Set, Shop Vac/Shovels, Landscaping Set, Paint Set, Sport Set, Outdoor Chairs, Heavy Duty Shelving Unit, 9 feet Artificial Christmas Tree, "Vintage Pink" Living Room Chairs, Wingback Chair, Broyhill End Table, Lowrey Spinet...
Small Online Auction of 51 lots in two storage units, but such an interesting variety of previously loved items! All auction items start at $1.00! Items are located in the last best place ! Bozeman, Montana! Visit the auction for pictures a...