Every Little Thing Estate Sales and Services

About Every Little Thing Estate Sales and Services
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and Services is an estate sale company serving the Walnut Creek, CA area.
Service areas
Based out of Walnut Creek, CA also serving areas near Alameda , CA , Berkeley , CA , Concord , CA , Oakland , CA , Vallejo , CA and Walnut Creek , CA
Services Offered
- In-person Estate Sales
- Online Auctions
- Off-site Sales
- Clean-out Services
El Sobrante Estate Sale Packs in Music, Athletics, Corgi Love, China, Games, and Lotsa Fine Furniture
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesI-Yie-Yie! This Place is PACKED full of lots of fun stuff from a family who knew how to live—- from making and listening to music, to enjoying the outdoors and sports, but they also knew how to just kick back, chill, recline, “and be lazy” they earn...
Bless Me, my Dog, and my Barbies, Father! Sinfully fun Mid Century Modern, Antiques, Clothing, Music, and Mysticism
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesNot to be missed! Such a fun to the nth power estate sale coming your way. Please contact me during the week if you miss this weekend as we are packed to the gills, and more will be coming out during the week, as well as next weekend. Appointments...
Oakland Estate Sale: Hip Freudian Sips, Audiophiles, Mod and Antique Furniture, Fitness, and Poli Sci!
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesHappy New Year! Oakland Estate Sale for two hip, fit, and erudite psychologists! Both very well-read and with well-rounded musical taste. I’ll elaborate! Extensive library: From the humanities (art, religion, photography, poetry, philosophy) t...
Berkeley Hills Holiday Estate Sale: Give Vintage — from Bronze Bull to Warriors!
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We are having a fun holiday estate sale this weekend, as well as next weekend at a Berkeley Hills estate. We will restock each weekend for holiday gifts!! Oh yeah, and Friday is not only Taylor Swift’s birthday, but Will’s birthday as we...
Greetings! We are having another fun sale for the estate of a thoroughly modern, athletic, and tres artistic woman in a nice Oakland Neighborhood. Modern Style and taste: Mid Century Modern Desk, McCobb Dresser/Sideboard, Plycraft Chair, Caged L...
A FEW QUICK WORDS ABOUT THIS SALE: Mary Sundance was one of my truly beloved regular customers. She passed. From preparing this sale, I’ve learned so much more about her, as you will too when you come by. Such a vibrant, wonderful woman, so sad she...
A FEW QUICK WORDS ABOUT MARY AND THE SALE: She was one of my truly beloved regular customers. She passed. From preparing this sale, I’ve learned so much more about her, as you will too when you come by. Such a vibrant, wonderful woman, so sad she’s...
Previews for Mary Sundance Estate Sale— Appointment only, Monday-Wednesday
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! I am operating a little differently for this sale. For this phase of the sale, it is appointment only and then later on in the week, I will re-run the ad and publish the address, with signs coming out only by next weekend. So, once you’ve ...
Berkeley Hills Estate Sale: Ethnic Arts, Hand-woven Rugs, Music, Tools, and Books
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! Lovely Berkeley Estate Sale for the next two weekends! Furniture: Folk Art nightstand cabinet, sofa beds, antique wooden dressers, double bed headboard & matching nightstands, Crate & Barrel TV stand, Media cabinets, mission-style bo...
Fun El Cerrito Estate Sale: Love of Eastern and African Culture, Antiques, Horses, and Cats
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We are conducting an El Cerrito estate sale for a travel agent who loved traveling to Africa, India and England, to name a few places. Lots of great souvenirs from these places. She also has a great love for antiques and cats! 🐈. As s...
Greetings! Jane Bartke, past mayor of El Cerrito, passed away recently. She was a mover and a shaker, much like Rosie the Riveter! We conducted an estate sale for Jane and her husband earlier this year, emptied their house, but after her recent pas...
Greetings! Ralph was an engineer, and Madge was a working woman who also liked to bake, watch birds, do puzzles, sew on her Necchi, and knit! Lots of tinkering around, went on in their garage too! To get the full picture, be sure to look at all t...
Bases Covered, Lotsa Horsin’ Around, Bookin’ F-U-N Kensington Family Estate Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesI could go on and on and on, or, I could just let you look at the photos. So, let me make sure you at least know the main well-stocked categories for this estate sale. Furniture: Lovely pine dining hutch and sideboard, 2 dropleaf dining/kitchen t...
Berkeley Estate Sale for Nature-loving Olympian with Exquisite Hand-Crafted Furniture
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! Love abounds for everything natural and healthy at this estate sale. From the natural fabrics, woods, and abundant plant life, to the specialized electronic Stetzerizer filters, and the camping and bicycling equipment, these guys loved a...
Fun El Sobrante Estate Sale 4 Travel Agent, Politician, Plant lovers, & Waste Manager
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesSome of you may know Len and Donna Battaglia, who sadly, have both passed. Though, there exuberant spirit is very present at this El Sobrante estate sale, with their passions for politics, travel, music, gardening and plants, on full display! And, ...
See Rich and Jane on the Move! El Cerrito Mayors' Estate Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! Dick (Rich) and Jane are retired El Cerrito mayors and have moved, after, a major downsizing of their accoutrements. They were moved by many different passions in their lives: Biking, Politics, Teaching, Art, Crafts, Reading, Music, and...
Tasteful French Poet’s Estate Sale: Lladros, Poetry, Books, Music, and more
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! This one is personal for me. My dear friend went to assisted living and I’m helping the family out. She has a lovely Lladro collection, then, it’s mostly furniture, electronics, kitchen and dining, good books, CDs, bed, bath, and table l...
Danny Thomas Cousin’s Kitschy & Seriously Fun Collectible Holiday Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesYikes! We managed to unpack and then repack it all into one fun floor of a Berkeley home. The owner worked at the Capwell’s in Oakland back “in the day” and never said no to a good deal on home furnishings, kitchenware, and holiday decor. She coul...
Magical Exotic Eastern Estate Sale: Buddha, Music + Instruments , Marble & Bamboo, Elephants, Tapestries & more
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesLots of fine furniture, musical instruments, and garden fixtures. And, exercise equipment galore! Nice feel to this place! Be sure to peruse the photos as my lists below are not exhaustive Exotic Furniture: Phillipines Round Bamboo Coffee Table...
Sailing, Singing, Artsy, and Athletic Doctors Oakland Estate Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We are having another fun packed one this month in Oakland. It is the estate, a doctor, wife, and his children, who also went into medicine. Lots of fun stuff! Medical and scientific items: Bausch and Lomb microscopes, spinal needles, s...
What were they thinking? Fun Antiques with a Country Flair, Mid Century Modern & much more!
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We are having a jampacked estate sale in Lafayette this weekend as well as next weekend. The residents truly loved buying furniture, books, kitchen ware, Antiques, and so so much more! The husband liked to do Woodworking, and the wife ...
Musical Crafty Gardening Baking Grandmother’s San Leandro Estate Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We are holding an estate sale in San Leandro for an avid gardener, cook/ baker, musician, and crafts loving grandmother. Be sure to review the photos for a complete inventory of what we are selling. Music, Media, and Entertainment : ...
Berkeley Estate Sale: Ethnic Arts, Great Cookware and pottery, Athletics and Outdoors!
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! Do not expect the ordinary, because you will not get it here! We are doing an estate sale for the owners of Ethnic Arts and if you miss shopping there, come on by here! There’s plenty of ethnic arts from Indonesia, Africa, Mexico, etc., ...
El Cerrito Japanese Household Estate Sale: From art Deco and Mission to Mid Century Modern Furnishings
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesMASKS STILL REQUIRED! Amazing collection of all things Japanese, from gardening implements to ikebana to books to dining ware to figurines, fans, and scrolls Lover of poodles and frogs: represented in figurines, stuffed animals, to paintings, als...
Berkeley Cinco de Mayo Weekend Estate Sale- great books, nice furniture, fun stuff! MASK REQUIRED
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesMasks Required! no mask, no entry! What better way for me to celebrate the Cinco de Mayo weekend, then, to have 100s of you come visit me on my birthday weekend! We’ve got a fun one for you! A love for New Zealand (you’ll see that in the linens,...
PLEASE WEAR MASKS!! THEY ARE REQUIRED! Greetings! We are holding a very busy and fun packed estate sale for a Berkeley family, south of the Berkeley campus! Bears abound! There is the usual bedroom furniture (5 dressers, bed frames), as well a...
Fun El Cerrito Estate Sale: From MCM Hollywood Regency Furnishings to Indian Artifacts to New Gardening Tools
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We have a traditional El Cerrito estate sale for you this weekend. yOU MUST WEAR A MASK!! Furniture and Accents: The family truly loved Mid Century Modern (MCM) Hollywood Regency style furniture with their gold-leaf ornate gesso mirr...
Well-read Church Organist Pastor and nature-loving family’s Estate Sale“”Easton Press
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We are having an estate sale for a pastor and his family in El Cerrito this weekend, and next. You Must Wear a Mask! The Spirit is very alive in this household: pastors robes, Robt. Gaspard vestments, chasables, stoles, crosses, hymn...
Greetings! We are holding a traditional packed estate sale in Walnut Creek this weekend through Monday. Lots of opportunities for gifts for your loved ones, as well as some fun collectibles and things for you! Quite the variety! Furniture: Antiq...
Still a happenin? sale! Woodworkers, Engineers, Photographers, & Gardeners Unite!
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesYOU MUST have AN APPOINTMENT to attend! Don’t assume all appointments have been taken! Sometimes people cancel their appointments. THIS iS NOT the First or the LAST Weekend! This app would not allow me to post a sale that lasts for more than 5 days,...
Where's Gina been? Woodworkers, Machinists, Photographers, Engineers, and Gardeners, UNITE!
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesYOU MUST have AN APPOINTMENT to attend! Don’t assume all appointments have been taken already! Sometimes people cancel their appointments. As of 7:30 AM Sunday, the afternoon is wide open and there’s also appointments in 11:00 hour available. THIS ...
Do U know the way to San Jose Ave? We’ve got lots of Prickly Pear, Pottery, Pillows & Plates on San Jose
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We are conducting an estate sale on San Jose Avenue in the Richmond Annex. Richmond is a great big city, put a hundred down and buy some Plants, Pottery, Pillows, and Plates! I've edited the ad for what sold in the written part of the a...
Another Eclectic El Cerrito Estate Sale: From Waterford Crystal to Designer Clothes, Shakespeare, mod Norwegian desk and great tools
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We've got something for everyone! Let's review the main categories! If you miss Saturday, call for appointment, I won't be packing it up right away and will still sell to you beyond Saturday. Fine Art: Weller Vase, picturesque water ...
Eclectic El Cerrito estate sale: From fine art & dining to designer clothes, Shakespeare, Wurlitzer piano, mod Norwegian desk and specialized tools
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We've got something for everyone! Let's review the main categories! Fine Art: Weller Vase, picturesque water color and oil paintings, etchings, fun prints (see photos) Fine Dining and Kitchenwear: Lenox China, Waterford Crystal, Orref...
Lovers of Fashion, Books, Fine Carpets, Cool Furniture and Japan Estate Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesProfessional couple have moved and left behind much of their beloved possessions. Fashion / Clothing: For men: Tie one on! Over 100 designer ties from Hermes, Versace, Salvador Farrigamo, Jim Thompson, etc.,, Approximately 30 fine suit jackets...
Russshia Over Here, to Francophile's Fun-, Shoes- and Book-filled Kensington Estate Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesPLEASE NOTE! We will open at 11 am on Friday morning, NOT 10 am! Thank you for your patience! Ooh la lah! We are holding an estate sale in the home of a woman had a strong affinity for all things Russian and French. Brush up on your Russian an...
Albany Estate Sale: Cameras, Comic Books, Clothes and Beanie Babies!
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesFurniture: Mirrored Coat Tree, Jacobean Sideboard and matching Dining Table with six chairs, Mid century modern floor lamp, Rolltop desk, Computer desk, office chair, double boxspring and mattress, wicker loveseat and chairs, marble pedestal, bamboo...
Happy Campers', Polish Rock Polisher, Chef, & Athletes' Estate Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGrandpa collected and polished rocks. Impressive collection of geodes, agates, crystallines, etc. (see photos). That's what makes this sale so special. He also had a Train set, and army photos. Mom had some nice china (Limoges) and Le Creuset, a...
Happy New Year! Berkeley Stamp and Coin Collector's Estate Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesCombination Coin & Stamp Collections (lots of first day issues and commemorative coins including the Oregon Trail, First man on the moon, George Washington, Jefferson, etc... ) There are books of stamp collections as well (not yet photographed Othe...
Greetings! We are in Kensington this weekend and the holiday spirit is alive and well! We've got lots of gift ideas and stocking stuffers for everyone on your list! You just might also find something for yourself as well. If you like all forms of...
Greetings! We've got an estate sale in Richmond for a couple who really really enjoyed entertaining, and had a keen appreciation for ALL of the holidays, especially Christmas! The husband was Italian and the love for Italy is evident, from the pict...
Mod Asians' Estate Sale: From health & beauty products to mod furniture to Steinway Baby Grand
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We are having an estate sale of a mod Asian couple. He headed an engineering department at UC-Berkeley, she was into finance and bought lots of mod furniture, health and beauty products, books, fabric and clothing. Mid century mod fur...
Fun Berkeley Estate Sale: Parents and kids part with their old toys, furniture and china!
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesAntique Furniture: 1880s Tea Cart which has a fun past! It was traded for food during WW2, one amazingly handsome piece! Antique Dining table w/ 8 chairs, Just Lovely antique chandalier, late 1800s Other furniture: Large 11' x 14' Hand-wo...
Berkeley Musical Tool Guy and Erudite WIfe's Estate Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We've got a fun one for you! Lots of tools, musical instruments, media, vintage clothing, and lots of stuff! TOOLS: You name it, we just might have it! Woodtek Tilting 12" Arbor saw, Laguna Dust Collector, Makita Slide Compound Miter...
First Editions, Fine Art Lover's and Lladros El Cerrito Estate Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We have an El Cerrito Estate Sale the next two weekends. Fine Art: Paintings, prints, May Wright pottery dinnerware), tall Wooden Sculpture, First Editions (eg., Burroughs, Goldwater, Ayn Rand, Elliot, Twain, Hawthorne, Kipling, Dahl,...
Well-Dressed Musical Teacher + Playwright Husband + Antique Dealer Mom = Beary Fun Estate Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We've got a very very full house for you to explore this weekend, as well as next weekend. We are bursting at the seams! We will be open both weekends. Take a gander at the photos and the description below. Hope to see you this weeken...
Fun Flyin' Finn's a-Finn-ity for Franciscan, Furniture and Fummels (I mean Hummels) Estate Sale
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We are doing an estate sale for a Finnish woman who was a travel agent. She was very proud of her Finnish ancestory. Lots of Finnish momentos and photos of ancestors. In addition, she had an aFinnity for maple furniture, Franciscan Ros...
Greetings! Berkeley Psychotherapist with refined taste in art, music, books, bikes, and women has lots of belongings that need to fine new homes. Fine Art: he painted or sketched himself, some of which is for sale, as well as some nice Picasso and ...
It's a family affair! Athletic father and his three sons, and a mother who was a quilter! Here's what we've got: Ekornes Stressless Recliner, Tansu coffee table with built-in glass display case, CC and more Coins, Scandinavian Design bookcases, ch...
Fun Generational Irish Sale full of Politics, Antiques, and furniture
Every Little Thing Estate Sales and ServicesGreetings! We've got a fun one for you! Need antique child's school desks with inkwells for some home schooling? Antique military toys and dollhouse with furniture too? Everything Irish from Belleek and linens, to beer steins. This extended f...
This company has posted a total of 67 estate sales. Only the most recent 50 sales are shown.