Legit Estate Sales
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About Legit Estate Sales
Beautiful Canyon Creek home filled with 40 years of collectibles & treasures.
Bargains galore in this sale! Furniture, household goods and a ton of Christmas inflatables & collectibles. If you’re looking for it, it’s probably here! Sale is around back in the warehouse with plenty of parking in the lot next door. ...
Vintage Fostoria, Fransiscan, federal victoria, trains, vintage Christmas, ethan allen, waterford lamps, tools, ski equipment, clothes, tiffin, pyrex, all new appliances must sell! Everything must go!!!
Happy 50% off Sunday (unless otherwise marked)! This estate is packed full of treasures! Check us out on FB for more pics! www.Facebook.com/legitestatesales Part 2 of General Gonzalez' estate featuring High quality vintage & antique European br...