NorTex Estate Sales
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About NorTex Estate Sales
Large house on a hill filled with Xmas Decor, antiques, Tiffany, mid-century, bronze Lions, furniture, Garden and more. MAIN ROOM: LOTS, LOTS OF XMAS DECOR must see assortment of ORNAMENTS, Pre-lit Xmas trees, lights up decorations,...
Former sale took place here a month ago, but NEW TREASURES were discovered in the attic. These are mostly XMAS things!!!! There is a MORGAN 8'x8' SHED for sale!!!!!!!!!!!!! List contains the following, but is by no means complete: Ceramic Xmas f...
NORTEX ESTATE SALES presents a packed house for your enjoyment. Find: Walnut Marquetry Liquor Cabinet. Granite topped round kitchen/dinette set with 4 wrought iron like chairs with scrolled backs. Rectangular White Gl...