Concrete Roses 4 / 177 -
Flower Garden Stakes 5 / 177 -
John Deere Birdhouse 6 / 177 -
Rooster Weathervane 7 / 177 -
Garden Cat Statue 8 / 177 -
Vintage Display Case 10 / 177 -
Antique Cabinet from Guadalajara 11 / 177 -
Vintage Wine Riddling Rack 12 / 177 -
Decorative Iron Shelf Brakets 13 / 177 -
Antique Wooden Barrel Butter Churn 14 / 177 -
Antique Baby Cradle 15 / 177 -
Cubby Hole Fixture 16 / 177 -
Vintage German Hay Forks 17 / 177 -
Vintage Water Crocks 18 / 177 -
Decorative Terra Cotta Sun Face 19 / 177 -
Vintage Coffee Grinder 20 / 177 -
Toy Wagon 21 / 177 -
Pre-1906 World Globe 22 / 177 -
Covered Wagon Toy 23 / 177 -
Bull Horns 24 / 177 -
Iron Farm Equipment Wheels 25 / 177 -
Huffy Cranbrook Bicycle 26 / 177 -
Little Scooter 27 / 177 -
Antique Seed Cleaner 28 / 177 -
Folk Art Bowl 29 / 177 -
Cast Aluminum Large Bull 32 / 177 -
Cast Aluminum Horse 33 / 177 -
Cast Aluminum Horse 34 / 177 -
Cast Aluminum Cow 35 / 177 -
Cow Weathervane 36 / 177 -
Rooster Weathervane 37 / 177 -
6' Tall Colorful Rooster 38 / 177 -
Vintage Mobo Horse 40 / 177 -
Concrete Garden Puppy Statue 41 / 177 -
Concrete Garden Statues 42 / 177 -
Concrete Garden Squirrel Statue 44 / 177 -
Concrete Garden Stautes 45 / 177 -
Concrete Garden Statues 46 / 177 -
Bunny Brand Sign 47 / 177 -
Western Bench with Horses 48 / 177 -
Stone Top Iron Garden Patio Set 50 / 177 -
Redwood Patio Set 51 / 177 -
Antique Baby Crib 53 / 177 -
Antique Iron Baby Crib 54 / 177 -
Vintage Iron Garden Lounge Chair 55 / 177 -
Vintage Wash Stands 56 / 177 -
Vintage Metal Candle Stands 57 / 177 -
Vintage Iron Stand 59 / 177 -
Wall Candle Sconces 63 / 177 -
Wall Light Sconces 64 / 177 -
Vintage Zinc Water Pots 66 / 177 -
Antique Hungarian Bathtub 67 / 177 -
Vintage Water Pumps 69 / 177 -
Heavy Industrial Table 70 / 177 -
Vintage Decorative Cast Iron Stove 71 / 177 -
Vintage Fruit Boxes 72 / 177 -
Vintage Ladders 73 / 177 -
Vintage Small ladder 74 / 177 -
Vintage Dough Bowl 75 / 177 -
Vintage Turkish Cutting Board 77 / 177 -
Vintage Possum Belly Cabinet 78 / 177 -
Packard Grease Cap Hubcap 80 / 177 -
Vintage Cadillac Grease Cap Hubcap 81 / 177 -
Antique Car Grease Caps Hubcaps 82 / 177 -
Vintage Saddle Soap Can 83 / 177 -
Antique Iron Locks w/Keys 84 / 177 -
Vintage Fireplace Mantel 85 / 177 -
Antique Doors from India 88 / 177 -
Antique Doors from India 89 / 177 -
Antique Wood and Iron Door 90 / 177 -
Primitive Folding tables 91 / 177 -
Vintage Coffee Table 92 / 177 -
Antique Horse Drawn Hungarian Wagon 93 / 177 -
Antique Horse Drawn Buggy 94 / 177 -
Vintage Tractor Seats 95 / 177 -
Antique 2-Man Timber Saws 96 / 177 -
Antique 2-man saws & misc. 97 / 177 -
Vintage Hay Forks 100 / 177
Photos 1 - 100 of 177
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