Text for appt 626 676 4202 2 / 170 -
TEXT FOR APPT 6266764202 4 / 170 -
consold piano in very good condition 14 / 170 -
needle point stool 15 / 170 -
TEXT for appt 626 676 4202 16 / 170 -
please TEXT for appt 626 676 4202 17 / 170 -
antique tall standing lamp 18 / 170 -
victorian china hutch walnut 30 / 170 -
hot chocolate set 31 / 170 -
victorian cutglass pickle holder 32 / 170 -
fenton cranberry hobnail squat vSe 34 / 170 -
cut glass and a french enamel box 35 / 170 -
paper weights 37 / 170 -
walnut dining table and chairs 41 / 170 -
antique marble pedestal 42 / 170 -
wallnut display stand 45 / 170 -
antique break front 46 / 170 -
tea cart 50 / 170 -
needle point stool 52 / 170 -
Rose chintz dish set 56 / 170 -
pine chest 61 / 170 -
old raggedy ann and andy 64 / 170 -
antique radiator 65 / 170 -
king size bedroom set 77 / 170 -
chamber pot 78 / 170 -
antique walnut hall tree 86 / 170 -
vintage hats 87 / 170 -
pair antique bentwood chairs 91 / 170 -
Mahogany tall chest 94 / 170 -
cedar chest 96 / 170 -
vintage games 98 / 170 -
victorian chamber set 100 / 170
Photos 1 - 100 of 170
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