MCM Ambe rCrackle Glass Bottle 2 / 116 -
Waterford Vase & Honey Jar 4 / 116 -
Vintage Christmas Glass Bulbs 5 / 116 -
Lyre shaped Ends on small table 6 / 116 -
Vintage Disney- Mickey 7 / 116 -
Vintage Christmas Decorations 8 / 116 -
Vintage Mirrored hanging Wall Shelf 12 / 116 -
Student Desk and Lyre back chair 13 / 116 -
1960's Reemay "Paper" dress Size M 16 / 116 -
Another book lot- with Dust Jackets 20 / 116 -
Another of the many Disney Lots 21 / 116 -
Disney Plush 22 / 116 -
Pair of Vintage Spindle Twin Beds 23 / 116 -
Another Disney Lot 24 / 116 -
One of the Many Christmas Lots 25 / 116 -
Another of the Christmas Lots 26 / 116 -
Pyrex/ corning lot 27 / 116 -
Westmoreland Glass Lot 28 / 116 -
Pottery from Italy & Portugal 29 / 116 -
Small dolls & coloring Book 30 / 116 -
Pens and Pocket knives 31 / 116 -
Colored Glass- some depression 32 / 116 -
1915 Giffen Porcelain Mark Twain Mug 34 / 116 -
Vintage Bottle Lot 35 / 116 -
Cronin Tulip Bake Oven Bean Pot 37 / 116 -
Framed C. Oberstew Clown Print 40 / 116 -
1970's Aqua Blue Tumblers 41 / 116 -
Vintage Planter 42 / 116 -
Fenton Milk Glass 43 / 116 -
Vintage Oster Barber Blades 44 / 116 -
One of 3 dining tables 50 / 116 -
Antique oak Plant Stand 53 / 116 -
Deluxe Skittle Game by Merdel 54 / 116 -
Fisher Speakers Model STV 410M 55 / 116 -
Ironstone & Vintage Porcelain 56 / 116 -
Picnic Basket & Contents 57 / 116 -
Kid's lot 58 / 116 -
Vintage Mugs & More 59 / 116 -
Corner Shelf 60 / 116 -
Movie DVDs with rack 62 / 116 -
Movie DVDs Xbox games & more 63 / 116 -
Large Coleman Cooler & 2 Lights 66 / 116 -
Drop Leaf Rolling Tea cart 69 / 116 -
Two Nice Roasting Pans 71 / 116 -
Kitchen Lot 72 / 116 -
Old Sled 73 / 116 -
Cue master Products Pool Table 74 / 116 -
Pool Cues etc 75 / 116 -
Vintage Pro Stars Soccer game as is 76 / 116 -
W. H. Gunlock Office Chair 77 / 116 -
One of 2 Wheelbarrows 78 / 116 -
Charles Chips/ Pretzels Tins 79 / 116 -
Advertising Tins 80 / 116 -
One of several lots of tins 83 / 116 -
Vintage enamel top cabinet 84 / 116 -
Brass Chandelier 86 / 116 -
Old Kitchen Cabinets 87 / 116 -
Vintage Canadian Flyer Ice Skates 88 / 116 -
3 Powder Blue painted cupboards 89 / 116 -
Bottles, Containers 92 / 116 -
Glass Planters 93 / 116 -
one of 2 work benches in basement 96 / 116 -
Kid's Picnic Table- no benches 97 / 116 -
Godin Model 3730 Coal/ woodstove etc 98 / 116 -
Garden Tools 99 / 116 -
Vintage Huffy Laredo Girls bike 100 / 116
Photos 1 - 100 of 116
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