STERLING SILVER CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS | Including: Reed & Barton sterling silver “Francis I Nativity” 2000 ornament (0.97 ozt.), Towle Sterling silver wreath ornament (0.85 ozt.), and Towle silver plate 2000 Special Edition Sleigh Bell ornament, Total weighable silver: 1.82 ozt. - dia. 2.5 in (sleigh bell) 108 / 179 -
(6pc) STERLING & OTHER BROOCHES/PINS | Including: Sterling silver rose-form brooch marked “STERLING / MEXICO” (10g), frog form brooch with mounted stones marked “925” (5g), salamander/form brooch marked “925” (2.6g), beetle-form brooch with mounted stones marked “925” (6.8g), turtle brooch/pendant with mounted stones marked “SILVER / 925” (14.7g), and flower form brooch with inlay shell (6.9g); Total weight: 45.9g. 117 / 179 -
(5pc) MISC. PAINTINGS & ETCHINGS | Including a hand-painted photograph reproduction of The Annunciating Angel Gabriel by Melozzo da Forli; two watercolor paintings (one signed E. G. Daggett, the other signed with conjoined initials "MA"), and two etchings, one in a style after Kandinsky and signed Jennifer Alexander, ed. 3/68 - h. 15 x w. 11 in (largest mat) 135 / 179 -
MIMI Di N GOLD TONE BELT BUCKLES & PENDANTS | Including a pair of ducks belt buckle, a pair of seashells belt buckle (h. 3 in), a pair of horses belt buckles; a frog pendant; a horse-head group - pair horses belt buckle and matching pendant; plus a single swan buckle and unmarked sand-dollar buckles. 161 / 179 -
(10pc) SILVER Bracelet Lot | Sterling silver and silver-toned bracelets, including four sterling silver bracelets with fineness marks, one stamped "MEXICO" (all together 2.35 ozt); and other costume bracelets including a silver-toned child's bracelet with red enamel, a book-form locket bracelet, a faux pearl bracelet, a charm bracelet, and others. - l. 7 in (Longest) 171 / 179 -
MIXED STERLING JEWELRY | Including: sterling silver chain with round pendant, both marked “925” (2.5g), pinecone form sterling silver earrings marked “925” (4.4g), Star of David pendant marked on back “925” (3.4g), and Sterling silver bracelet marked on back “STERLING” (16.9g), Total Weight: 27.1g 175 / 179
Photos 101 - 179 of 179
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