BEAUTIFUL EWA ESTATE CTBids Online Auction • Bidding Ends 12/08/24 • Pickup 12/10/24 This beautiful Ewa Estate auction features 14K jewelry, vintage cameras and gear, electronics, household goods and decor, vintage books and LP records, barware, tools, vintage and modern furniture, kitchen items, vases, vintage crystal, camping gear, collectibles, office equipment and supplies, framed art, kitchen utensils, countertop appliances, family board games, mystery lots, paper goods, vintage Disney, lawn and patio furniture, plants and so much more! 1 / 195 -
BEE159- 14k Italian Gold Chain 2 / 195 -
BEE002-Insignia 55" LED TV 3 / 195 -
BEE045- Haier Wne Cooler 5 / 195 -
BEE061- Various Kitchen Knives 8 / 195 -
BEE105- Mystery Bathroom Cabinet Lot 13 / 195 -
BEE130 - Collection of Knives 19 / 195 -
BEE146- Mystery Lot 20 / 195 -
BEE158- Elegant 14k Gold Chain 21 / 195 -
BEE017 - Toyota Rear Light Lens 24 / 195 -
BEE176 - Desert Rose 26 / 195 -
BEE179 - Patio Table with Chairs 27 / 195 -
BEE008- Assorted Glassware 33 / 195 -
BEE011-Family Fun Board/Card Games 35 / 195 -
BEE014- Assorted Glass Vases 38 / 195 -
BEE016 - Wooden Tool Cabinet 40 / 195 -
BEE018 - Batteries and Bulbs 41 / 195 -
BEE030- Woven Bamboo Entry Way Table 51 / 195 -
BEE039 - Cordless Vacuum Cleaner 60 / 195 -
BEE040 - Water Containers 61 / 195 -
BEE043 - Pots and Pans 64 / 195 -
BEE044 - Work Shop Work Lights 65 / 195 -
BEE048- Woolsche Paper Shredder 68 / 195 -
BEE052-Patriotic US FLAG 72 / 195 -
BEE053 - Mystery Lot Mixed Metals 73 / 195 -
BEE055 - Holiday Cheer! 75 / 195 -
BEE056 - Spent Artillery Shell 76 / 195 -
BEE062- Mystery Kitchen Drawer Lot 81 / 195 -
BEE074 - Lawn and Landscaping Tools 91 / 195 -
BEE075 - Frigidaire Upright Freezer 92 / 195 -
BEE076-Dirt Devil Hand Vac Plus 93 / 195 -
BEE077- Cuisinart Food Processor 94 / 195 -
BEE079- Al Clad Waffle Maker 96 / 195 -
BEE081- Mystery Kitchen Lot 98 / 195 -
BEE084-Scrabble Lover's Dream Come True 100 / 195
Photos 1 - 100 of 195
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