Dept 56 village 3 twinkling lit trees 101 / 150 -
Dept 56 village porcelain pine large 102 / 150 -
Dept 56 village towering pines 103 / 150 -
Dept 56 white picket fence extensions 104 / 150 -
Dept 56 winter birch trees 105 / 150 -
Fenton custard vase 106 / 150 -
Frames plus hydrangea picture 107 / 150 -
Gentle souls 2 angel ornaments 108 / 150 -
Heritage lace angels” lace hanging 109 / 150 -
Hollyberry and cardinal glass container 110 / 150 -
Hollyberry tea light lamp 111 / 150 -
Kneeded angels special wishes” 112 / 150 -
Lace wall hanging father christmas” 113 / 150 -
M i hummel goebel ornament 118 / 150 -
M i. hummel goebel “checky fellow” #172 120 / 150 -
Mauve glass vase 123 / 150 -
Noah s ark wooden picture frame 124 / 150 -
Porcelain picture frame 125 / 150 -
Precious moments i picked a special mom 134 / 150 -
Precious moments miniature ornament 136 / 150 -
Precious moments once upon a holy night 137 / 150 -
Snowbabies 2000 membership kit 141 / 150 -
Tea light holder 142 / 150 -
Teddy bear tapestry wall hanging 143 / 150 -
The heritage group lace wall hanging 146 / 150 -
Westmoreland custard vase 148 / 150 -
Willow tree peace on earth” figure 149 / 150 -
Willow tree tenderness” 150 / 150
Photos 101 - 150 of 150
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