Vintage Friction Toys 1 / 328 -
New in box 2 / 328 -
Antique blown glass pipe 3 / 328 -
Carved decoy 4 / 328 -
Quilt sampler -home made 5 / 328 -
Man on Horse 6 / 328 -
1905 ~ 1982 7 / 328 -
Finland 8 / 328 -
1950s 9 / 328 -
carved folk art fish 10 / 328 -
Perfectly carved 11 / 328 -
Folk art bi plane 13 / 328 -
Advertising travel cups 18 / 328 -
Turquoise Pottery 19 / 328 -
Vintage Christmas 20 / 328 sold -
Cotton USA flag 21 / 328 -
Vintage Electric Motor kit 22 / 328 -
Instructions / Parts 23 / 328 -
Cape Ann Storm Story 25 / 328 -
Art books & More 26 / 328 -
Home made and pointed quilted square 29 / 328 -
Kitsch Owl clock ( chalk ware ) 31 / 328 -
Great mid century tables 32 / 328 -
Lekythos Greek Pottery 38 / 328 -
Tapestry 39 / 328 -
Msiacal Its 40 / 328 -
Brass Footed 44 / 328 -
Cobalt Gurgling Cod Exclusive 45 / 328 -
Shreve Crump & Lowe 46 / 328 -
Pretty Pair of Candlestick Lamps 47 / 328 -
Folk Art 48 / 328 -
USA - cotton 49 / 328 -
dresser 50 / 328 -
bureau & mirror 51 / 328 -
bookcase style headboard 52 / 328 -
Porcelain vase 53 / 328 -
intage games 54 / 328 -
Coach paperweight 56 / 328 -
Closed position 60 / 328 -
Seatbelt and Arm position 61 / 328 -
One of two remotes 63 / 328 -
Cobalt bottles 64 / 328 -
Copper Stamp 65 / 328 -
Measuring Tools 66 / 328 -
Brass Plumb Bob 67 / 328 -
Small Pins & Things 68 / 328 -
Buttons Odd Coins 69 / 328 -
Watches 70 / 328 -
Variety of Pins 71 / 328 -
Old tobacco box 72 / 328 -
Watercolor 74 / 328 -
Watercolor 75 / 328 -
Etching 77 / 328 -
Watercolor 80 / 328 -
Litho 81 / 328 -
Chromolitho 84 / 328 -
Watercolor 88 / 328 -
Watercolor 89 / 328 -
1970s Pressed Flower Art 93 / 328 -
Hand Carved Framed 94 / 328 -
Ireland 95 / 328 -
Oil On Canvas 96 / 328 -
Litho 97 / 328 -
Litho 98 / 328 -
Photo 99 / 328 -
3D 100 / 328
Photos 1 - 100 of 328
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