Large oil painting 26 / 86 -
Large oil painting 30 / 86 -
Cast Iron Mechanical Bank 33 / 86 -
Cast Iron Mechanical Bank 34 / 86 -
Cast Iron Mechanical Bank 35 / 86 -
Cast Iron Mechanical Bank 36 / 86 -
Cast Iron Mechanical Bank 37 / 86 -
Cast Iron Mechanical Bank 38 / 86 -
Uranium Glass 41 / 86 -
Large painting 51 / 86 -
Large oil painting 54 / 86 -
Large oil painting 69 / 86 -
Large painting 70 / 86 -
Large framed print 75 / 86 -
- The Following of the Star by Florence L. Barclay. - The Idol Thoughts of an Idol Fellow by Jerome K. Jerome. - In His Own Image by Mary Briarly. - Beautiful Stories for Children by Mary Abbott Rand. - The Scottish Chiefs by Miss Jane Porter. - Peterson magazine 1868. - Trilby by DV Mavrier. - The Bible Looking Glass by John W Barber. - The Political Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 83 / 86 -
13 Mini Antique Shakespeare Knickerbocker set. Each book is crafted in leather and gilded writing approximate size: 5.5 inches high by 7.5 inches wide by 2.5 inches in diameter. Titles included: King Lear, Hamlet, The Mary Wives of Windsor, The Tempest, The Taming of the Shrew, Measure for Measure, The Comedy of Errors, Venus and Adonis, 12th Night, King Henry IV part one, King Henry IV part two, King Henry the V, King Henry VI part one, King Henry VI part two, King Henry VI part three, Anthony and Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Othellow. 84 / 86
Photos 1 - 86 of 86
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