Gorgeous sterling face watch, with a yellow gold wash over the sterling- so it looks like a gold watch. Pebble embossed cowhide leather band. Works, keeps time. Signed V, Italy. Stainless back. No box. I ca. Sellnyou a watch box if needed, however shipping will be higher. As is, it will not come with a box, unless discussed prior to bidding. Thanks. Add $6 for shipping. Combined shipping discounts offered 113 / 141 sold -
Gorgeous sterling face watch, with a yellow gold wash over the sterling- so it looks like a gold watch. Pebble embossed cowhide leather band. Works, keeps time. Signed V, Italy. Stainless back. No box. I ca. Sellnyou a watch box if needed, however shipping will be higher. As is, it will not come with a box, unless discussed prior to bidding. Thanks. Add $6 for shipping. Combined shipping discounts offered 114 / 141 sold -
Gorgeous sterling face watch, with a yellow gold wash over the sterling- so it looks like a gold watch. Pebble embossed cowhide leather band. Works, keeps time. Signed V, Italy. Stainless back. No box. I ca. Sellnyou a watch box if needed, however shipping will be higher. As is, it will not come with a box, unless discussed prior to bidding. Thanks. Add $6 for shipping. Combined shipping discounts offered 115 / 141 sold -
Gorgeous sterling face watch, with a yellow gold wash over the sterling- so it looks like a gold watch. Pebble embossed cowhide leather band. Works, keeps time. Signed V, Italy. Stainless back. No box. I ca. Sellnyou a watch box if needed, however shipping will be higher. As is, it will not come with a box, unless discussed prior to bidding. Thanks. Add $6 for shipping. Combined shipping discounts offered 116 / 141 sold -
Gorgeous sterling face watch, with a yellow gold wash over the sterling- so it looks like a gold watch. Pebble embossed cowhide leather band. Works, keeps time. Signed V, Italy. Stainless back. No box. I ca. Sellnyou a watch box if needed, however shipping will be higher. As is, it will not come with a box, unless discussed prior to bidding. Thanks. Add $6 for shipping. Combined shipping discounts offered 117 / 141 sold -
Gorgeous sterling face watch, with a yellow gold wash over the sterling- so it looks like a gold watch. Pebble embossed cowhide leather band. Works, keeps time. Signed V, Italy. Stainless back. No box. I ca. Sellnyou a watch box if needed, however shipping will be higher. As is, it will not come with a box, unless discussed prior to bidding. Thanks. Add $6 for shipping. Combined shipping discounts offered 118 / 141 sold
Photos 101 - 141 of 141
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