SCI-FI & FICTION BOOKS WITH DUST JACKETS | Misc. hardcover books, including: The Imperfect Society Beyond the New Class by Milovan Djivas, Cass Timberlane by Sinclair Lewis, Galactic Empires Vol. 2 by Bryan Aldiss, Ice and Iron by Wilson Tucker, Universe 3 by Terry Carr , Universe 4 by Terry Carr, Universe 10 by Terry Carr, and New Dimensions 3 by Robert Silverberg. - l. 6 x w. 1 x h. 8 in 102 / 157 -
LOT OF SCIENCE FICTION BOOKS | Including: Manseed by Jack Williamson, To The Stars by Harry Harrison, Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak, The Fires of Paratime by L.E. Modessit, Jr., Cemetery World by Clifford D Simak, where time winds blow by Robert Holdstock, The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett, Case and the Dreamer by Theodore Sturgeon, Again Dangerous Visions by Harlan A Ellison. - l. 6 x w. 2 x h. 8-1/2 in 103 / 157 -
FICTION, SCI-FI, RELIGIOUS & MYSTERY BOOKS | JOB: a comedy of Justice by Robert a Heinlein, Fellowship of the Stars by Terry Carr, God The Future of Man by E. Schillebeeckx, To Die in Italbar by Roger Zelazny, Perpetual Light by Alan Ryan, who is Teddy Villanova? By Thomas Berger, Mutants by Robert Silverberg, The World Inside by Robert Silverberg, The Plain Old Man by Charlotte McLeod, and Approaching Oblivion by Harlan Ellison. - l. 6 x w. 1 x h. 8-1/2 in 105 / 157 -
THREE LONG SCARVES | Three scarves in great condition. One scarf is by Warriors in Pink by Ford, bright and colorful Arabesque patterns. One Ralph Lauren scarf decorated with a floral pattern. And one Emilio Pucci scarf made in Italy, with a black and white graphic pattern and fringe edge. - l. 68 x w. 12 in 137 / 157
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