Chairs Antique Vintage 3 / 95 -
The Berlin Wall 4 / 95 -
2 Table Lamps 6 / 95 -
3 Vintage Lamps 7 / 95 -
Accent Tables - 3 Tables 9 / 95 -
Art Vintage 11 / 95 -
Baldwin Acrosonic Piano 13 / 95 -
Beautiful Decor 14 / 95 -
Bedroom Headboard and Footboard 15 / 95 -
Brass Lamps - 3 Lamps 16 / 95 -
Brass Lamps 2 17 / 95 -
Brown Antique Pottery 18 / 95 -
Canon Vintage 19 / 95 -
Chair Vintage 22 / 95 -
China Hutch 23 / 95 -
Chairs Antique Vintage 2 24 / 95 -
Chest of Drawers 26 / 95 -
China Hutch 2 27 / 95 -
Christmas Bells Silver Plated 28 / 95 -
Clubs and Bag Khaki - Womens 30 / 95 -
Collection 31 / 95 -
Copper Metal Bowls and Plates 33 / 95 -
Crockery 34 / 95 -
Decor 35 / 95 -
Decorative Plate 36 / 95 -
Dishes and Pitchers 37 / 95 -
Dolls 5 Vintage 38 / 95 -
Donnelly Mirror 39 / 95 -
DVDs, VHSs, CDs 40 / 95 -
Entertaining Set 41 / 95 -
Entertaining 42 / 95 -
Floor Lamp 43 / 95 -
Glass Coffee Pots 45 / 95 -
Glass Stemware 47 / 95 -
Gold Frame Wall Mirror 48 / 95 -
Golf Bag Ogio Blue and Clubs 49 / 95 -
Golf Clubs and Bag Green 50 / 95 -
Great American Sailing Ships 51 / 95 -
Hummels 52 / 95 -
Rug Vintage 3 55 / 95 -
Limoges Plate 56 / 95 -
Metal Decor Items 57 / 95 -
Metal Serving Plates and Bowls 58 / 95 -
Rug Vintage 2 59 / 95 -
Rug Vintage 4 62 / 95 -
Rugs Vintage 5 65 / 95 -
Mirror Gold Frame 66 / 95 -
Misc. Collectibles 67 / 95 -
Office Chair on Wheels 68 / 95 -
Overland Wagon 69 / 95 -
Rug Vintage 70 / 95 -
Pewter Entertaining Collection 71 / 95 -
Pottery 72 / 95 -
Royal Doulton 73 / 95 -
Rug Vintage 6 74 / 95 -
Silver Plated Serving Pieces 75 / 95 -
Steuben Glass Bowl 77 / 95 -
Tea Coffee Woodbin 79 / 95 -
Tea Miniatures 80 / 95 -
Tea Set 81 / 95 -
TV Stand 82 / 95 -
Vintage Antique Collectibles 83 / 95 -
Vintage Antique Drop Leaf Table 84 / 95 -
Vintage Cart and Card Table 85 / 95 -
Vintage Decor 86 / 95 -
Vintage Dolls 2 88 / 95 -
Vintage Dolls 89 / 95 -
Vintage Table and Chair 91 / 95 -
Vintage Toys 92 / 95 -
Watercolors 93 / 95 -
White China Servingware 94 / 95 -
Wood Bowls 95 / 95
Photos 1 - 95 of 95
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