Antique Oak Wardrobe 8 / 97 -
Antique Pine Dresser 9 / 97 sold -
Geological Permian Basin Bowl hand made 14 / 97 sold -
MacKenzie Childs Serving Tray 16 / 97 sold -
Persian Rug, 12x10 18 / 97 -
Adorable Pig collection in the kitchen 20 / 97 sold -
Antique Baby Dolls 21 / 97 sold -
Antique Coffee Grinder and Cast Iron Pot 23 / 97 sold -
Antique Jewelers Traveling Scale 25 / 97 sold -
Antique Singer Sewing Machine 26 / 97 -
Assortment of Nativity Scenes 28 / 97 -
Boehm Christmas Story bowl 30 / 97 -
China Set CalyxWare Adams, Singapore bird pattern 32 / 97 sold -
Christmas Carousel made in Erzgebirge Germany 33 / 97 sold -
Collectibles 35 / 97 sold -
Depression Glass etched pink 36 / 97 -
Kitchen Server with granite top with 2 drawers 43 / 97 sold -
Lane Cedar Chest 44 / 97 -
Metal Stool and Ceramic Bunnies 46 / 97 -
Off white metal shelf 3 tier 49 / 97 -
Pedestal Cake Plate 50 / 97 -
Pictures, Mirrors, Art 52 / 97 sold -
Pyrex and Corningware 53 / 97 -
Trash Bin with a cow pic 58 / 97 -
Unusual objects and decoratives 60 / 97 -
Wedgwood Fleur Bowl, Pitcher, Two serving pieces 64 / 97 sold -
Wicker Room Divider 65 / 97 sold -
Wrought Iron Trivets 66 / 97 sold -
Wrought Iron Trivets 67 / 97 sold -
Brand NEW Cricut with cartridges 70 / 97 -
Henredon Dresser, 2 night stands, Chest of Drawers 71 / 97 sold -
Office Supplies and Magazines 74 / 97 -
Train set by Lionel 76 / 97 sold -
Vintage Long Winter Coat 78 / 97 sold -
Aluminum Dog Ramp 79 / 97 sold -
Assortment of Bird houses 80 / 97 sold -
Elfa Shelving 85 / 97 -
Kitchen Aid refrigerator freezer, Model KRSC500ESS01 86 / 97 sold -
So Much FUN Halloween items 88 / 97 -
Vintage chest and 2 night stands 90 / 97 sold -
Vintage Large Chest 91 / 97 -
Vintage Metal Storage Cabinets 92 / 97 -
Vintage night stands matching chest 93 / 97 sold -
Vintage Toys, Stuffed Animals 95 / 97 -
Whirlpool Washer and Dryer, electric 96 / 97 sold -
Yard Tools, Shovels, Rakes, etc. 97 / 97
Photos 1 - 97 of 97
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