Acrosonic Piano by Baldwin 2 / 98 -
Early American Table Lamp, Crystal Decanters. 6 / 98 sold -
Maple with White Glass Knobs Chest 8 / 98 sold -
Bentwood Wicker Seat Rockers 9 / 98 -
Early American Chest with White Knobs 10 / 98 sold -
Entry Hall Coat Rack 11 / 98 sold -
Grandfather Clock Colonial 12 / 98 -
White Wicker Chest 15 / 98 sold -
White Wicker Furniture 16 / 98 sold -
Wooden Rocking Chair 17 / 98 sold -
Continental Bavaria Ivory Plates 21 / 98 sold -
Vintage Hand Crafted Stoneware made in Japan1 23 / 98 sold -
White Iron Stone Dishes 24 / 98 -
Crystal Bottle Stoppers 25 / 98 -
Cute Piggy Dishes 26 / 98 sold -
Dansk Yellow Cookware 27 / 98 sold -
Gold Trimmed Wine Goblets 28 / 98 sold -
Kitchen Filled - pots and pans 29 / 98 -
Great Items in the Kitchen 30 / 98 -
Mid-Century Cheese Board 33 / 98 sold -
Painted Antique Portable Stove 34 / 98 sold -
Pair of Oak Bookcases 36 / 98 -
Pewter Serving Pieces, Wooden Vintage Serving Pieces 37 / 98 sold -
Polished Pewter Goblets 38 / 98 sold -
Primitive Secretary 39 / 98 sold -
Sake set 40 / 98 -
Silver plate Punch Bowl with cups 41 / 98 sold -
Silver plate serving pieces 42 / 98 -
Silver Plate Tea Set 44 / 98 sold -
Vintage Cutlery Set 45 / 98 sold -
Antique Birthing Chairs 46 / 98 sold -
Antique Blue Glass Table Lamps, Marching Bank Helmet 47 / 98 sold -
Antique Copper Kettles 48 / 98 -
Antique Lowe and Son Stoneware Jug 49 / 98 sold -
Brass Rubbings 51 / 98 -
Glassware Dishes 53 / 98 -
Green Depression Glass Juicer 54 / 98 -
Israel Postage Stamp Collection 55 / 98 sold -
Made in Nova Italy Pottery 56 / 98 sold -
Oak Futon Bed 57 / 98 sold -
Occasional Table and Sea shells 58 / 98 sold -
US Postage Stamps 59 / 98 sold -
Records and Albums 61 / 98 -
Singer Sewing Machine 63 / 98 -
Trundle Bed 64 / 98 -
Vintage Barrel Bar Rolling Cart 65 / 98 sold -
Vintage Copper Canister Set 66 / 98 -
Wooden Rocking Horse 67 / 98 -
Antique Baby Quilts 68 / 98 sold -
Antique Croquet Set 69 / 98 sold -
Art Supplies 70 / 98 sold -
Asian Drinkware 71 / 98 sold -
Dept 56 Christmas Village 72 / 98 sold -
More Dept 56 Christmas Villages 73 / 98 sold -
Kimomo Bow and Sash, Asian Shoes 75 / 98 -
Wine Goblets 78 / 98 -
Yard Art 79 / 98 sold -
Airplanes, Remote Control 80 / 98 -
Area Rugs 82 / 98 -
95 Linear Feet of Books 83 / 98 -
Decoratives 84 / 98 -
Holiday Decorations 85 / 98 -
Ken's Crown 86 / 98 -
Kitchen Utensils 87 / 98 -
Misc Christmas Items 88 / 98 -
more Albums 89 / 98 -
Office supplies 90 / 98 -
Santa Figurines 92 / 98 -
Texas Tech Band Blanket 93 / 98 sold -
Vintage Boy Scout Uniform 94 / 98 sold -
Vintage Child's Kimono 95 / 98 sold -
Walkers, Canes 97 / 98 -
Ducane Gas Grill 98 / 98
Photos 1 - 98 of 98
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