Upholstered blanket chest 8 / 138 -
Wall hung cabinet/mirrored back 15 / 138 -
We got books! 16 / 138 -
Silver plated serving dish 17 / 138 -
Pair of ewers 19 / 138 -
Teapots 20 / 138 -
Decorative bronzed ball 21 / 138 -
Figural lamp - reclining putti 23 / 138 -
Vintage porcelain trinket box 24 / 138 -
French style shelf clock 25 / 138 -
Nude pencil sketch, artist signed 31 / 138 -
Vintage Semca carriage clock/ alarm 35 / 138 -
Vntg. Cane back chair 36 / 138 -
Santa Monica office/task chair 37 / 138 -
Victorian dining chairs - set of 4 40 / 138 -
Armand Marseille bisque doll 42 / 138 -
Louis XV style children’s chairs 44 / 138 -
Antique Bible - leather bound 45 / 138 -
Decorated box 47 / 138 -
Large brass altar candlesticks 48 / 138 -
Willem Sibbe etching 49 / 138 -
La Jeune Bebe antique lithographs 50 / 138 -
Jewelry box 51 / 138 -
Antique candle sconces 53 / 138 -
Antique picture frame 54 / 138 -
Open curio shelf 55 / 138 -
Apollo Belvedere bust 56 / 138 -
Gilt phone stand 57 / 138 -
Hollywood Regency elegant tier table 58 / 138 -
Handmade mohair koala 59 / 138 -
Decorated metal box 61 / 138 -
Stoneware garden bear 63 / 138 -
Ornate pedestals 64 / 138 -
Old French enamelware lunch box 65 / 138 -
Staffordshire dogs 67 / 138 -
Staffordshire dogs 68 / 138 -
Cast iron dog banks 69 / 138 -
Madonna of the Street 71 / 138 -
Mercury glass 72 / 138 -
Antique creche figures 76 / 138 -
French sleigh bd head & foot board 78 / 138 -
Cast aluminum chair & curio 79 / 138 -
Imperial glass Cape Cod 80 / 138 -
Comfy sofa 81 / 138 -
Glass top coffee table 82 / 138 -
Lolling arm chair 83 / 138 -
Patio seating 84 / 138 -
Pati dinng 85 / 138 -
Schoenau & Hoffmeister bisque doll 90 / 138 -
Bronze putti 92 / 138 -
Armoire 93 / 138 -
Needlepoint rug 94 / 138 -
Replica Dahlgren 1861 cannon 95 / 138 -
Michael German Civil War Sgt. 97 / 138
Photos 1 - 100 of 138
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