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Pre-owned. Table Measures 23in H | 19.75in L | 13in W. ( The table top frame is missing some round glass accents from the flower centers).

Local pickup only
Kenmore, WA 98028

Pre-owned. stamped with the Last Bee Mark TMK-5: 1972-1979

Local pickup only
Kenmore, WA 98028

Pre-owned. The V and Bee mark removed from the Goebel stamp. TMK-6: 1979-1991

Local pickup only
Kenmore, WA 98028

Pre-owned. Apple Tree Boy stamp TMK-3: 1960-1972. Apple Tree Girl stamp TMK-2: 1950-1956

Local pickup only
Kenmore, WA 98028

Pre-owned. Back stamp 943/0 (TMK-3: 1958-1972. #478 (TMK-6:1979-1991)

Local pickup only
Kenmore, WA 98028

Pre-owned. #549 3/0 - 3.5in (TMK-7 1991-1999). #239/B (TMK-6 1979 - 1991)

Local pickup only
Kenmore, WA 98028

Pre-owned. All Three Hummels are marked with the TMK-6. These Hummels are dated 1981, 1985, and 1989.

Local pickup only
Kenmore, WA 98028

Pre-owned. Backstamps for these Hummels: #39 (TMK-3: 1962-1972), #214/D (TMK-7: 1991-2000), #238A (TMK-4 1964-1972).

Local pickup only
Kenmore, WA 98028

Pre-owned. Back stamp TMK-6: 1979-1991)

Local pickup only
Kenmore, WA 98028

Pre-owned. TMK-3 back stamp.. Circ 1960-1972.

Local pickup only
Kenmore, WA 98028

Pre-owned. The underside of the base has the incised Double Crown mark, stamped "Made in Germany, 5856 " and a round ER (Ebeling and Reuss) foil sticker.

Local pickup only
Kenmore, WA 98028
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